5.5 Known Issues

Now Kuzco joins the party with the insta kill “Cruise Control”… this trial just keeps getting “better” :joy:


Can´t we just discuss the removal of either recently added/refreshed heroes from trial events OR removing disk, red skill and patches from enemies?

Refreshed or newly added heroes with all equipment is just plain suicidal attempt and unfun @Samm.


Yes! This would be ideal! It’s hard to counter with very limited toons

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Agreed - tried to do the weekend trial with Y rank heros and got one-shotted by R8 Hank. Why is unpatched R8 capable of one-shotting my Y11?!

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@Samm Why does Alice and Van have Lacerate as their patch? They don’t even do DoT… mostly the same with Ducky who only does DoT if you have the Timon disk.


Even another 4x drop event just like December 2022.

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The patch says: “When you deal non-damage over time, you’ll deal damage over time.”

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Even though PB did not answer yesterday it seems they removed Fairy’s patch and Kuzco’s “Cruise Control” disk from the Nightmare Trial


i’m having heroes randomly die to nothing whenever i finish off olaf in today’s highest difficulty merge trial


Who are the other enemies?

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This is impossible to 3* @Samm

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After the last update on war, only the guilds in the same leagues got paired together

Yet, here we are, facing a guild from different league

How is it fair? How is it possible? The game now doesn’t function as intended anymore??? @samm


XP drops from the new difficulty are the same as the last one :man_shrugging:


From the post announcing War QoL Improvements:

I forgot to check Sunday evening, but my guess is that the Challengers or Legendary league had an odd number of guilds in it, so the matchups as determined by MMR sometimes crossed league boundaries until a lower league also had an odd number of guilds. After all, your guild and the opposing guild had a difference of 2 between your MMRs; I’ve been in plenty of matchups with greater differences over the past several months.


@samm any comments?

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So, the skill points obviously aren’t scaled every 5 levels (guess how I know). How exactly are they scaled then? Or worse, are they scaled at all? Because if they aren’t, we will be back with an outdated amount of skill points soon…@samm

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This is not intended and will be changed with today’s update.


For some odd reason, when claiming my Mail Rewards in my inbox, it takes a few seconds before it disappears.


This is fantastic :joy:


That I can agree,much quicker

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