6.0.1 Known Issues

We have all the events listed in announcements, except Buy more stamina. This is out 2nd market discount and extra chances at Arena and Coli. We even had our 3rd double drops event yesterday…

How is that fair?

And a week earlier than I was expecting, too. Now if only we could get the Guild Crate discount event…

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Ask your guild to spend influence on Guild crate perk. It is much more useful than war perks. And honestly, how much guild coins can one save up?:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I just got this 677 mb update for the 4th time today, anyone else? Seems primarily tied to entering the trials subsection but also triggered it trying to quick-fight invasion breakers.

@Samm a lot of players are reporting that the Exclusive Anniversary Special deal for $50 disappears for them. It should expire in 11 hrs. Happens mainly when we buy the other two deals for $10 and $20


You’re not the only one unfortunately. I have been having this isssue literally since I started the game. First time you enter the game, just something like 80 megabites. Second time, 650 megabites, making you download the entire game. It always happened to me. EVERYTIME there was an update

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Take a look at the thread on Discord. Three deals appearing at the same time is said not to be intended.

@Samm replied (a few hours later in Support, but I didn’t see the red dot until I went back into the chat): “ Thanks for contacting us. I’m sorry that you’re frustrated about a purchase, however I confirmed that the additional information included on the, “Exclusive Anniversary Recruitment Special” event card did state it may end early. This is due to the fact it’s offered if you haven’t made a purchase in a while. If you do make a purchase, that voids the Exclusive Anniversary one.”

This makes NO sense, because there were THREE deals. We were trying to get them all, but the last one, best one, poofed once we bought the other two. They were there, because we hadn’t purchased anything in awhile, but when we did, it disappeared. That’s a catch-22 where we could never get them, but they are all there.

All three deals should have stayed for their full posted time even though the small info button said it could go away. That’s predatory business practices. No one bought the $50 deal when you could combo the deals. It was only there to bait people into spending money in the first place.

This has been so troubling that I’ve been logging in every few hours to look for deals and refreshing this post to see if Samm has responded. It’s sad. You can’t promise something amazing and then take it away.

Edit: Someone on Discord posted a reply that was saying these deals weren’t intended and it could lead to an unhealthy game economy. Whales have 1,000x that amount and only a few people even saw those deals. You offered it and didn’t QA check it. You should honor it. It’s not even close to game breaking. It’s just a lot of resources for a few non-whales


What an interesting theory to justify themselves.
But they admitted that it was their mistake to offer the three deals to some players at the same time and they didn’t think about the deals combo at all.
That means they never expect the 50$ anniversary deal to disappear after the other deals being bought and “it may end early” statement had nothing to do with the glitch they have caused.
And what makes it more complex is that some people DID succeed in buying all of them. So, they’ll explain about how serious such players have an influence on the “Game Economy”, right?
Their excuse obviously doesn’t make sense at all.

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I know this is already a known issue, but please fix Jim Hawkins sooner than later! His current ability to revive the entire team is incredibly frustrating when facing him as an opponent.


I’m not getting port double drops since the last update anymore even if I’m eligible to get those due to my ViP perks. Anyone else with this issue?

I can speak only for myself, but I’m still getting double Port rewards from VIP levels.

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