6.0.1 Known Issues

Please remember to also submit support tickets through the game if you encounter any bugs or issues. Thanks!


Are you all gonna fix notifications I don’t seem to be receiving any from my guild @Samm


It is a known issue. We haven’t had a chance to dig into in depth, yet.


Jim’s red skillI is also a known issue? Instead of just one revive per wave he has unlimited revives.


Hocus Pocus and The Owl House characters are still in the featured franchises category.

Any progress on Gerald not gaining immunity to knockbacks from the relentless patch (neither his nor his allies’) yet?

I don’t think they even care about bugs now, let alone fix those

I haven’t seen any bugs addressed or fixed in a really long time…

And of course, there is no improvement either…pls don’t tell me about guild perks… War perks are useless for most of the guilds



PB surprised everyone and fixed 2 big bugs this update, but it wasn’t mentioned in patch notes for some reason.

  • Summons (like Billy or Djali) now have correct HP instead of near 0
  • Disks don’t change anymore before fights
    • They still do but only for the already selected heroes (up to 5), which is massive step up

Not necessarily a bugfix but I just learned they also made a change to temporary dodges (like Lilo and Anna’s, not Hiro and Aladdin’s). Now they show as an active buff and have their own icon.

Whether they actually count as a buff or not, so if they can be removed, extended by Kevin or copied by Kermit, I have no idea.

Edit: Lilo doesn’t actually have this icon. Anna, Jake and Abu have it. And Kermit can’t copy it so I assume it can’t be removed either.

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The Daily Videos seem to not be working. Do you not have an ad for it, or is this a bug. I’m not sure but I do know that me and my four brothers and sister aren’t able to get multi-raid and we have virtually no money to spend on Disney Heroes Battle Mode.

I don’t understand why they put Arena winning a requirement for completing Prize Wall?

Not everyone can do that… Especially new and weak players

@samm btw, what are the events for our anniversary? We received no notification but I noticed we have had 2 double drop days in a row

If you’re not in Challenger leagues in Arena and you can’t beat anyone above you, change your defense so that it’s your weakest hero. If you’re in Challenger and can’t beat anyone in your league, wait a week and you’re pretty much guaranteed to have at least one beatable team available.

There’s a question mark on the Kronk Costume.

After finishing the above campaign, no speech bubbles were shown.

Oh, so I wasn’t the only one who noticed-

@Samm, @TheGrillFather, I wanna talk about descriptions in other languages. This time Italian.
The first one is just a simple grammatical error:

It should say “subisce”, not “subische”.

The second one is a little bit more “complicated”.

This one is literally CURSED. The translation of this description doesn’t do anything with the original green skill.

“After 16,101,032 seconds, once per wave Jumba throws an experimental substance at the frontline ally, healing him completely, increasing his Max HP by 250, giving him 61,292,164 energy points, and increasing his basic damage by 20 for 3.0 seconds.”

The fact is that it should be like this:

I have to say, I am happy that it didn’t do anything on the Gameplay, otherwise…that skill would have never been activated :neutral_face:


When will we actually have buy more stamina event??? We have had a lot of events, most of them are outright useless, yet the most useful one is no where to be seen

Is that a lie, saying that we will have buy more stamina event @samm @thegrillfather

We are finalizing a fix for this.

During the anniversary events, we’ve also been offered discounts on just about everything we can spend resources on… except for guild crates. There’s still time, of course, I just hope they don’t get overlooked.

(Though I will say I’m very happy for the memory market discounts during the event.)

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