Prince John & Sir hiss are a BackLine Control hero Duo
Quote- “*This crown gives me a feeling of power! POWER! Forgive me a cruel chuckle, heh-heh-heh…”
Basic attack- Sir hiss bites a enemy
White skill “Plum thumb”- Prince John sucks his thumb crying anti charming 3 enemies for 6 seconds this increases Prince John’s Defense by X
Green skill “Look into the eyes!”
Sir Hiss Brainwashes 2 enemies stunning them for 6 seconds and decreasing their defense by X
Blue skill “Swipe the Crown”-
Sir Hiss slithers close to 3 enemies stealing 100 energy from each
Purple skill “Cry for Mama”- For Every second Prince John cries during “Plumb Thumb*” His HP is restored by
Red skill “The new Ruler”- Every Allie effected by “Plum Thumb” Now get extra Stat boosts,
Extra Stat boosts-
Attack damage increased By X
Attack speed increased by 30%
Prince John-Scar
“Kings of Vengeance”
Improved stuns
“Look into the eyes!” improves stuns by 1 second per star (11 seconds max)
Prince John-RobinHood
“Rich Vs Poor”
Attack Damage increase
Prince John’s Basic Attack is increased by X amount and now stuns a enemy for 1 second per star (5 seconds)