A grumpy fella

Grumpy dwarf

Quote)now I’m warning ya don’t let anyone or anything in this house


Stars) :star: :star:

Trial) yellow

Position)front line


Entrance) grumpy walks into battle grumpily

Defeat) grumpy throws his hat on the floor and begins to stomp on it.

Victory)grumpy puts his pickaxe aside and cross’s his arms grumpily.

Basic attack) grumpy attacks the enemy with his pickaxe


White skill⚪
Grumpiness and anger
Fantastic damage💥

Grumpy throws his pickaxe and the floor and begins to punch’s enemies while slowly turning red the more he turns red the more damage he does.

Green skill :green_circle:

Not sad not mad but grumpy.
Fantastic damage :boom:

Grumpy gets mad and cross’s his arms at the enemy with the most Energy this skill does x damage and blinds the enemy

Blue skill🔵

I’m warning ya.

When grumpy falls below 60% HP his speed is increased by 60% and basic damage now does double damage

Purple skill :purple_circle:

That little smile.

Grumpy smiles for a little this removes all debuffs this normally happens every 8.5 seconds.

The red skill🔴

Grumpy but kind-hearted

Before grumpy dies he does 37890 damage to enemies.

Additional stat boost
+X max HP
+X max damage to grumpiness and anger
+X max basic damage


Grumpy dwarf/Donald duck

Quacking mad

Disk-instead of 1)instead of crossing his arms at 1 enemy grumpy instead cross’s his arms at all enemies blinding them

Allies)joy,Huey Dewey and Louie,chicken little


Two angry folks

Disk-the option) grumpy also gains a shield when his speed is increased

Allies)perry the platypus,max hare,miguel

I need to ask a serious question - what did us telling you to “put more thought time and effort into your concepts” and “release one hero concept a day/few days/week” mean to you? I am genuinely asking because you have creativity, but your concepts are just rushed and you release multiple in a single day. This is not meant to be harsh, I am just wondering why.


The evil queen is on the BLUE team.No offense,but your concepts sort of rapid-fire.I did like the Daisy concept,though.


How are they rushed???

  1. You release multiple concepts in one day.
  2. The format seems quick and easy to create, but not easy to follow and understand.
  3. Most of the skills you make are repetitive - most just deal damage while sometimes having an additional effect. You really do not think about any original effects in most skills, but I will give you credit for original animations.
  4. You do not use variables consistently.
  5. Purple and red skills do not have new animations.
  6. Friendship disks and details in the concept feel slapped together. For example, the allies you use sometimes do not make sense with the character you are making a concept out of. Also, Trial Team is not just something you assign randomly, especially since movies always stick together.

And again @Defender_Momo_LV this is not meant to be harsh, but to help you improve and get better.


Red skills don’t have new animations*

There are FEW exceptions to purple skills, but the one you have in this concept does not apply to the exception.


Lots of new heroes have purple animations also is there something wrong with making more then 1 concept a day?

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