A Guide to Making Character Concepts

How do I put pictures in my concept?

There are a couple different ways you can do this. I usually just copy and paste from the internet, but others can tell you some other ways as well.

If you tap the thing in the bottom, right hand corner that looks like a picture, you can insert a picture you downloaded from the Internet.

Anyways, now that this is revived

Gonna continue this guide soon?

Ah yes! If you want to start a PM we can work on it together. I seriously keep forgetting about that stuff.

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This thread (and your love and support) is what inspires me to make concepts! Thank you,I usually come on here at least once a week a remeber who was the reason I started concepts!


I need some help

That’s what this guide is for.

But if you need further clarity, PM me or other concept makers.

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Yeah I am trying to understand for a concept that I am trying to make

Ok, just PM me/others for some help. And I’m sure we’d be happy to help.

Just a may the fourth concept

Please don’t spam the topic.

Would you like me to PM you?

What’s with this Gravity Falls-esque cryptic message?

There was a scavenger hunt of sorts and this was one of the topics

Long story.

also don’t necropost next time thanks and have a good day


Hey I want to ask a star.

One :star:, one star kind boring by 10 chips.

Two :star::star: two star kind good by 30 chips.

Three :star::star::star: three star kind cool by 80 chips.

Two :star::star: and Three :star::star::star: that I like number

Including one :star: I don’t like.

Thank you for a star rank.

Hi, the star are right, and can you please not to relive dead topics because the last post was about one year ago, hope you understand.



They said that month’s ago
They Aren’t even active anymore


I did an extremely unlikely character concept Guy from Free Guy

Ok? Why are you going on above movie critic’s? This is a guide to making character concepts not a rant post about FNAF movie critic’s

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