Please improve the way you can delete an account, like a button when you click on your account name or something! Please put this in action as soon as possible!!!
Pb cannot because of avoiding you delete your account mistakenly
Correct the topic ‘Account’
If they put sth like dat ,maybe some players may do and tap on it by mistake …That would be awful.
And why do u want to get ur account deleted?
If u dnt wanna play on dat server.Then play on another
They could put a ‘make sure step’
I worried if your phone is in pocket, it can delete your account by no tapping from yours
Bruh …A confirmation window…Oh ok
But Theres are confirmation window on maximizing skills etc ,many ppl sometimes do mistakes like this…
I have heard like someone promoted someone to ruler…by MISTAKE.
Mistakes can still happen
It would still make sense that I want an easier way to delete my account
Then they should may it that you have to type the account name then press yes for it to delete
Then the bag cant do that and you cant do it by mistake
Yeah it will be less chance…
this will be another problem, some one want to delete account but forget username
Exactly, and if they do this then you wont have to do a whole giant process
What do you all think??
I think now is good
I think it should be like with making a champion ruler, if you want you have to type “Yes” but possibly the username would work, but if you disconnect the account from a recover methead it will delete. But you can ask support if y have information on your account to give it back.
How could you forget it? It is a simple one usually like someone named “Jack” how do you forget? And if you are in the account still then you can look in seconds.
I tried to just delete the game but the account was still there that’s why I suggested an easier way to delete an account
Send in a support ticket and an agent can help remove an account for you.
I had sent for an agent to help remove it and he asked if I want to confirm and I wrote confirm and it’s been a whole week since any action has been taken. I haven’t even received an answer yet!