Am I the only one seriously weirded out by the Luz-Max friendship dialog?

Right at the start of it, in the little introductory dialog, Luz says she doesn’t know if her parents will let her go to a concert.

Does anyone who’s seen the whole Owl House series see the problem here?

The whole thing (and most other campaigns recently) read like they were written by an AI - I doubt many LLM’s have watched The Owl House :grimacing:


Yeah, something about the rest of the dialog is a little off too. Even if it’s not AI, it reads like someone who hasn’t actually watched the show, even outside the above…

It’s a shame because the friend campaigns were a lot of fun before. I liked seeing how they’d make a little subplot for any given pair of characters. If the characters aren’t really themselves that kind of defeats the whole purpose

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Eda’s were ok.

But it seems like all campaigns starting with Luz are written by AI, but it must be one bad AI. Chat GPT does them better so I have no clue what PB is using lol


Yeah they got Luz all wrong in her friendship. Her father is dead in the actual show, and is the one who got her into the Good Witch Azura. It would have been better if instead of parents it would just be her mom Camila. And don’t even get me started on Doofensmirtz’s campaign…


They got her personality down well, but I felt Luz was a little more basic sounding in her dialogue. If you’ve ever seen the show you would know she is off the walls quirky.

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I saw the show…

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Not like crazy off the walls, but she’s like Marcy from Amphibia. Lovable ball of joy with a knack for geek culture.

While I’m on the subject of Luz-related disappointments, I got all excited when I saw she had extra costumes, thinking maybe we were getting her Hexside uniform, Good Witch Azura costume, or maybe even [REDACTED] from the finale, but nope, just some alternate colours of her usual outfit that never appeared in the show. I’m not even opposed to game-original costumes but at least make them something interesting!

I only watched the first episode because I thought I would never watch the rest of it

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