Amphibia Anne boonchuy

Description After getting home and reunion with her parents Anne demands into the battlefield to get back Amphibia defeat enemies with her frog family

Role damage

Trail Blue

Quote all I wanted was this town’s respect but just because these people treated me crummy doesn’t mean I’m gonna do the same to them I’m done with this I don’t care if they’re broken the law you can’t treat people like this

Entrance Anne jumps to the battlefield

Victory she cheers and smile

Defeat Anne gets angry


White skill tennis racket when tauting the enemies Anne throws her tennis racket at them at %45 with a bug

Green skill blue powers after she turning with a blue powers Anne goes blue at %85 knock enemies with a hand

Blue skill punching power with a power punching at 85% Anne knocks the enemies with her punching power colorful and blue powers punching

Purple skill give him back After say give him back Anne goes strong powerful at %54 knocking the enemies jumping at them at %46 Anne jumps over and colors


Kim possible

Sprig Planter

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You didn’t mention her skills’ damage types.

…the concept was created just two hours ago

And that comment was made little after the concept was posted

That’s not necroposting :neutral_face:


Um sorry got confused there for a sec :grin:

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You didn’t say if she’s at the front middle or back

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