An idea list for new characters

In simplicity. it’s a game that is heavily focus on animated characters .it devalues the work in art by adding live action characters. Examples jack sparrow and ect. Which is not animation but he is on a disney ride. But I’m sure disney will tarnish this game by adding Marvel or Simpson’s or something that has nothing to do with WALT Disney originals. I’m just pointing out suggestions to better characters which make sense with the game.

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Well now i wouldn’t say devalue. I mean Pirates of the Caribbean is a very popular film series, sure they were a shoe-in. Tron makes sense given the circumstances. Rocketeer… uh, that one came as a surprise to all of us.

But he wasn’t at first he was a movie exclusive before they renovated it to fit the movie. That is what I was trying to tell you the first time.

Well, they said Marvel is not coming to game so you can calm yourself. I don’t know about the Simpsons though.

Said every person who comes to the wish list to request characters

why is pete not in game yet

Because PB doesn´t want to add him :man_shrugging:

any conformation

You mean confirmation?

  1. The fact that he isn´t dataminated
  2. The fact that PB hasn´t said that he can´t come

He could come if they wanted :man_shrugging:

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I’ve got a character idea, I think Mater from the cars movies being added would be a good idea. I can think of the most attacks for him specifically. Driving backwards hitting random enemies, silence enemies by beeping at them with his horn. Using a rocket to speed through multiple enemies, attacking with throwing random objects at someone with his tow cable. Or adding Phineas and Ferb as another idea.

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Simpsons will never come to game, just like marvel and Star Wars. perblue has stated in several forum posts solely will be Orginal Disney /Pixar content, not properties Disney took over.


You just said yourself you were surprised by the rocketeer .tron and others they are all live action. And are misplaced in a game pertaining to animation. huge difference. So if the hitchhiking ghosts and the hatbox ghost and others I’ve merely suggested bc they have been animated to film… They don’t count bc of the rides but rocketeer and others are ok? And yes maybe a suggestion rather the typical is needed bc it inspires others to challenge that character idea with their own.

No, I said we were surprised by the Rocketeer’s inclusion since he is a very very obscure character. Whole Pirates and Tron has gained traction in popularity.

Look, the point is they just can’t. I don’t know why but they just can’t come in. I’m sorry.

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If theme park characters were allowed in game, I’d probably want Buzzy (Cranium Command). But alas, it can never be.

Never Happen!!! 🙅:no_good_man:t3::no_good_woman:t2:

… They already said that themselves. There was no need to repeat it.

Mater can be adeed possibly along with mcqueen phin and holy perblue will need to resizeing cars charthers so they wont take too much space from the screen

who is phin

you mean finn from cars 2 or phineas


Yes i meant to him knowing as he was an agent he could have potenial if he was added

I want Anne, Sprig, Polly, Marcy, Hop Pop, or Sasha. Maybe Grime, King Andreas, or Luc from The Owl House.

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