An N-Sane concept!

But I’m back with a concept from the video game I really have enjoying playing. Now without further ado, here’s my concept on… CRASH BANDICOOT.

Crash Bandicoot

Midline, damage, Yellow team trial, image image


Escaped from the lab of Dr. Neo Cortex, Crash Bandicoot brings some insane skills to the fight. Better get ready, cause it’s time to crash!


Entrance: Crash runs in before looking around the battlefield.

Victory: Crash dances

Defeat: Crash looks up and jumps in shock before 3 wooden crates fall on him. 2 crates fall on him before he collapses and then 3rd one falls on him.


Basic attack: Crash throws a wumpa fruit at the closest enemy, dealing Y damage.

White: Furry twister (Normal damage)
Crash begins to spin for 6 seconds, dealing X damage to nearby enemies every second and knocking them back. During this time, Crash applies 2 stacks of Weakness that lasts 15 seconds to enemies every 3rd time they are damaged by this skill.

Green: Aku Aku protection
Aku Aku flies in and begins circling Crash granting him reflect until Crash has reflected an attack that is equal to 10% of his max hp, then the reflect will wear off and Aku will fly offscreen.

Enemies above level Z take 50% less damage from Crash’s reflected damage.

Blue: Fruitzooka (Fantastic damage)
Crash pulls out a fruit bazooka and fires wumpa fruit at the 3 farthest enemies dealing X damage and applying 3 stacks of weakness that lasts 10 seconds.

Purple: Spin cycle
"Furry Twister" lasts 2 seconds longer every time an enemy reaches 5 stacks of weakness during this skill.

This has a chance to fail when enemies above level Z reach 5 stacks of weakness

Red: An insane experiment
For every stack of weakness on an enemy, Crash and allies heal 10% of damage dealt.

Enemies lose X armor and X reality per stack of weakness on them.

Healing is reduced if the enemy damaged is below level Z.

Additional stat boosts:

  • +Z Basic damage
  • +Z Max hp
  • +75 evasion (+1 per level)

Battle Badge

Is charged in battle when:

15 stacks of weakness has been given to enemies.

When charged:

  • +Z Skill power
  • +Z Reality per yellow team hero
  • +50 Normal crit for 8 seconds


Animal, Animal Oddballs - Wumpa extends buffs

  • +Z Basic damage

  • -Z armor to Control role enemies

  • Wumpa fruit thrown from Crash’s Basic attack and “Fruitzooka” extends buffs on Crash by 1 (+0.6 per star) seconds

Launchpad, Crash and Burn - “Furry Twister” grants speed

  • +Z Max hp

  • While Crash has a speed buff he gains Z armor.

  • After using “Furry Twister” Crash gains 10% attack speed and movement for every second he was spinning for 7 (+1 per star) seconds.

Hope you enjoyed :wink:!


Is the fact that most of the variables in this concept are the letter Z (as opposed to the letter X) a reference to something? :sweat_smile:

Great concept!

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I don’t play Crash Bandicoot, but I think so


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Actually, a certain forumer (:pie:) uses Z as a variable that increases with skill level and just sort of used the format.


Does it state his role anywhere? Just wondering since I can’t see it.

Yup, I forgot something, one moment!

Now it’s done.

I also added a dash of…pizazz!

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