An Unlikely Concept of Piper from Brawl Stars

hey guys my second character concept will be of Piper from Brawl Stars as said in the thread name anyway here it is



Stars: :star:
Position: Middle
Function: Damage
Team Test: Yellow
Quote: “I am sugar and spice”

White Skill :white_circle:: Bombastic Rain

Piper flies away with her umbrella, dodging all types of attacks and with that, throws 4 grenades from her picnic basket, dealing X damage to all enemies and they are lightly knocked over.

(Here is an example image)
images (6)

Green Skill :green_circle:: Precision Trigger

Piper fires a slowing shot at the nearest enemy, which in addition to knocking down and dealing damage, slows the enemy by X% for X seconds.

(Another photo as an example)
images (7)

Blue Skill :large_blue_circle:: In Range

Piper focuses and targets the enemy that dealt the most damage to her, becoming invisible and accurate for X seconds and increasing her base damage by 50%, thus taking a shot, dealing X damage.

Purple Skill🟣: Tracker

When doing “In Range”, Piper studies the enemy that dealt the most damage to her and the enemy closest to him, dealing 30% more damage.

Red Skill :red_circle:: More Grenades Coming

“Bombastic Rain” now has 2 more grenades and gives X stacks of fatigue

Fatigue stacks may fail against enemies above level X.

+X Dodge
+Y HP Max
+Z Damage dealt in “Precision Trigger”


Piper/ Colette

Piper helps Colette and Linguini at Skinner’s restaurant with their bombshell desserts.

Allies: Linguini and Remy, Chef Skinner and Queen of Hearts

Disc Name: Helping with Desserts

Second enemy focused with “Sniper” is captured for X seconds

(+ X seconds per star)

Piper/Minnie Mouse

Disc Name: A New Perfume

Minnie and Piper try different perfumes to go shopping

Allies: Daisy Duck, Sally and Megara

“Bombastic Rain” blinds enemies for X seconds and increases dodge by X% when returning to the battlefield.

(+X seconds by star)
(+X% dodge by star)

that’s it, folks. I made this concept because I really like Piper in Brawl Stars and I had said that I would do it if you liked the previous one and here it is! and it was also a bit inspired by the skills her in the game itself and accessories are also inspired. Here’s a second concept about Piper, I hope you enjoyed it!


Nice concept


thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah it’s no prob


I haven’t played in a while, but I’m pretty sure that isn’t one of her voice lines.


it’s one of her lines in the game, if you research her, you’ll see that she says that.

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Then the line is “I’m sugar and spice.” not “I’m sugar and spicy.” :hot_face:


ah- i thought i got the whole sentence wrong, but it was just one letter, i’ll correct it anyway


As a fan of Brawl Stars, I love this concept! But there’s a couple of things.

  • For your purple skill, you said “sniper” is affected, and i’m assuming you ment the blue skill named “Shooter”

  • You should specify the percentage that the damage is increased, and how long disables last. Like in “Precision Trigger” you cant really be slowed for “X” seconds because it’s not a changing variable, the enemy will be slowed for the same time always, and in “Shooter” you said her basic damage would be increased by “X%”. This would make sense if it was just being increased by X, but since you said it would be increased by % it’s not a changing variable, and therefore you should specify how much her basic damage would be increased by an actual number.

Besides this I think it’s a great concept, and it would be fun to use in game. I’m excited to see more of your concepts in the future, and I’m happy to see Brawl Stars in DSBH forums! :slight_smile:


wow thanks!! this comment was really constructive for me and yes, I intend to do more Brawl Stars concepts, but could you explain me better about the “Precision Trigger” so I can correct it and to see if I understand, is it for me to just remove the “%” of the slowdown?


What PocoPlease is saying is that the percentage slowdown of “Precision Trigger” needs to be a specific number value, not a variable, because those sorts of debuffs are always set and can’t be changed. So any number value like 50% or 75% or whatever set value you want to make it will work.


ah yes, understood. I thought of 50%, but I didn’t know if I should put it because it’s Unlikely that Piper will make it to the game, but does this over the set value only affect slowdown or other debuffs? thank you


Sorry, I’m not certain I fully understand what you’re asking here.

If you’re asking about what debuffs should have number values instead of variables, then the answer is any that has a percentage. So for example, you can debuff an enemy’s stat by either a variable X (like Stitch’s Blue Skill removing Armor, for example) or by a set percentage (i.e. 50%).

Hope this makes sense.


Yes, it made sense and I understood, thank you.


Was gonna answer you, but seems someone beat me to it! :joy: I’m still super excited excited to see your future concepts!!


I’m planning for 2 concepts, one from Brawl Stars and one from Apex Legends, maybe both will come out tomorrow, so keep an eye out for the next concepts!! :wink:

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Great concept! Brawl Stars is a great game!


Wow amazing!


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Sounds cool

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