An Unlikely Seer Concept from Apex Legends

hey guys, I came to bring here another character concept, this time I came to do the Apex Legends Seer that was quite nerfed and I ended up doing a concept about it, anyway, I hope you like it! :heart_eyes:


Quote: “Do not hide your true colors. They are your strength.”
Stars: :star::star:
Position: Middle
Function: Damage
Team Test: Blue

White skill :white_circle:: Exhibition

Seer creates a sphere of microdrones that deal X damage, studies all enemies and gives “precise” to allies for 5 seconds. The microdrones explode right after “precise” pass.

Green skill :green_circle:: Focus of Attention

Seer summons microdrones to emit a noise, dealing X damage and silencing everyone, also to decrease armor by 20% for 10 seconds.

Blue Skill :large_blue_circle:: Heart Quest

Seer stuns enemies that arrive late on the battlefield for 6 seconds. Seer and allies receive a shield for each enemy delayed stunned.

Purple skill :purple_circle:: Exposed Heart

Enemies silenced by any means while doing “Exposure” or when he is on the battlefield, he prevents enemies from being revived or from reviving his own team. If they become invincible, Seer steals invincibility and applies all 4 stacks of fatigue and tenacity is decreased by 70%.

Red Skill :red_circle:: Metamorphosis

Enemies hit by “Focus of Attention” are slowed for 2.5 seconds.
When Seer and allies gain “precise” and enemies are revealed, he gains X basic damage over 30 seconds.

Basic damage gain may fail if Seer is below level X.

  • X skill power
  • X tenacity
  • X max HP


Seer/ Tia Dalma
Disc Name: Order of Life
Allies: Yax, Clawhauser, Kevin Flynn

“Focus of Attention” clears allies and increases armor by 30%
(+30% by star)

Disc Name: Robotic Enhancements
Allies: Wall-e, Dr. Drakken, Quackerjack

“Exhibition” weakens enemies by exploding with microdrones for 4 seconds.
(+1 second by star)

Here’s the concept, folks. I hope you like it and I was almost late because I was busy doing school work and visiting family, etc… But I managed to make one in time and if you have any mistake of anything, explain it to me so that I can correct it. goodbye!!:blush:

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2 things:

What is “Exposure” here? It’s not any of Seer’s other skills’ names, so I’m confused on what this is referring to.

Second, while the concept is pretty good overall, it needs a bit… more to it to match how strong modern-day skills are. Just some added effects on the skills should help.


I just exchanged the words, thanks for pointing that out. But where do I put some effects? I was thinking of adding shields to the team in the blue skill for each enemy delayed that is stunned

Honestly, extra debuffs and buffs in the skills are really all I’m referring to. The shields are a good start.


thank you, I’ll see what I can improve on and I’d like to ask your opinion again when I finish it.

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done, added buffs and debuffs to blue and purple skills

Looks pretty good. The only nitpick I have is that the Green Skill should say “decreasing” armor instead of “damaging” armor.


OK, I’ll change it right now and thank you very much, I am very happy for your feedback.

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Oh very good, heroes concept!

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