Announcement! Halloween Costume Design Contest!

Hello creative community! Happy October!

LilRubyKinz (or rather, LilRubyPumpkinz) here.


This year, you probably won’t have much chance to show off your Halloween costume, which is no fun. But what’s stopping our Disney Heroes?

I know everyone misses collecting costumes in -game, and there’s probably one you would love to have but never got the chance. In this contest, we are bringing back costumes!

Submission Guidelines

Here is how this will work:

1.) Choose a character in the game. You will have to search the forums to find their character image, like so. (Eg. I will choose Elsa.)


2.) Once you have chosen your character, consider an alternate costume the character wears in their franchise that you would most want if costumes were to return. (Eg. I will choose the costume Elsa wears when she crosses the Dark Sea.)


3.) Take your character’s png and edit it so that we can see what their costume would look like! (Eg. Elsa’s finished costume:)


4.) Submit your design to the submission thread! (Not this thread, the submission thread will appear separately).


1.) Must be your own original edit.

2.) If you aren’t tech savvy enough to do a digital edit, just trace over the template of the character of your choice and do your design on paper!

3.) IMPORTANT! Below will be a signup sheet where you must reserve your character of choice. This is to avoid the “you stole my idea” conundrum, and because our judges don’t want to review dozens of pictures of the same character. :upside_down_face: You can keep your exact costume choice a secret if you want.

4.) Your final artwork should not have any additional images taken off the internet, or computer generated patterns. It should only be the Disney Heroes png with your edit on it.

5.) Good sportsmanship! Be encouraging!

6.) I don’t wanna hear any “Mine’s so bad”! We are accepting all levels of technical skill and effort is more important than skill!


Here is how your work will be graded:

• Does it resemble the costume?
• Does the style look like it could fit in-game?
• Does it look rushed?
• Is it creative?
• Is it detailed?
• Was a lot of thought put into the design?


The submission period will take place from October 5th through October 28th. Keep an eye out for the submission thread. The results will be announced on October 31st, Halloween night! (All in EST.)


We will announce the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place entries on Halloween! The winners art will be featured on the results page, they will be granted the title “Spooky Design Specialist” and of course they will have ultimate bragging rights :grin:


Let’s get drawing! Have fun!

Name Character Reservation
LilRubyKinz Elsa
Grim_Grinning_ghost Magica De Spell
Wicked_To_The_Core Robin Hood
MasterZ Jafar
Skellington-T Goofy
OpsgMszkuoUysa Yzma
Eve_Hallow_13 Miguel
LGDB Scrooge McDuck
SkeletonWhisper8 Jack Skellington
Spooky momo Winnie the pooh
The-Pumpkin-King Finnick
Rinoxeronte Huey, Dewey & Louie
Poirot Flynn Rider
Fellow Piglet Nick Wilde

Psst make it a wikia


I like your costume GRIM LOL

Wow! I look forward to seeing the work people do. I might do this, but we will wait and see.

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Yes me too. Hopefully someone will do Hiro’s hero outfit (the purple one)

Added myself, I’ll be doing Robin Hood.

Actually maybe I’ll change from jack to someone better

@LilRubyKinz , what software did you use to make Elsa’s costume?

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I used Autodesk SketchBook; I got it from the App Store on my Mac.


What do u use to make it, cuz no offense but it looks like a bunch of scribbles

I’m sorry but it’s my second time making one!

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I’m not tryna upset ya, it’s awesome that u are trying

You’re not wrong, that is true

Remember you have until Oct. 28 to work on it!

Also remember this will not be the submission thread!

Also also remember good sportsmanship!

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I’m not participating in it, I’m just telling him how I feel about it, but it’s a great start (I shouldn’t be talking)

This is why i never sean how to do that. Oh well

Sorry, but who just deleted me of the list? :confused:

You probably entered who you were going to do and submitted it at the same time as @RockzAreCool . It was an accident if that’s the case.

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