Chicken little= support class
White skill(the sky is falling): chicken little calls apon a UFO to pick up a enemy and then drop them dealing heavy damage this also turns chicken little basic attacks to deal true damage
Green skill ( ring the bell): chicken little rings a bell healing you and allies and gaining them attack speed
Blue skill(play ball):chicken little hits a base ball at a enemy stunning and damaging them and Grant’s you and your allies with life regeneration and life steal
Purple skill(troublemaker):when someone on your team does true damage they will gain a damage boost for 10 seconds when you deal true damage you become invincible for 5 seconds
Red skill(going crazy):when you heal an ally with ring the bell the ally with the most damage will have a 8 second sheild and the ally with the least amount of damage that dies will revive them back. If you die using ring the bell or the sky is falling you are revive as well.
Friends:sully and boo, and mushu