Anton Ego Concept

Anton Ego

Back line Support 3 stars

”I don’t like food, I love it. If I don’t love it, I don’t swallow.”

Entrance sits in the back at a table prepared for him. He cannot be moved from this position.

Victory writes a positive review for allies

Defeat angrily scribbles in his journal

Basic attack see passive

White Skill Constructive Criticism (fantastic)

Passive Instead of attacking, Ego rates his allies’ performance in battle depending on what percent of the entire enemy team’s hp they’ve dealt in the past 5 seconds.

1 star- <10% of remaining enemies’ hp

2 star- 10%-30% of hp

3 star- >30%of hp

Active This skill’s effects vary depending on the rating he gives his allies.

1 star- Ego cleanses allies of all debuffs and grants them 1 stack of hardy

2 stars- Ego saps all enemies for 11 seconds and grants allies X armor.

3 stars- Ego deals X damage to all enemies. Ego distributes the damage he deals as healing to allies.

The sap has a chance to fail against enemies above level Y. The cleanse has a chance to fail against disables applied by skills above level Y.

Green Encouraging Words

Ego compliments the performance of the ally who has dealt the most damage, healing them for X and granting them Y(scaling off only level) skill power for 10 seconds, and immediately cooling down all of their skills.

Blue Crushing Blow (fantastic damage)

Ego criticises the most wanted enemy, dealing X(scaling off basic damage) damage, stunning them for 11 seconds, and removing all buffs from them.

Purple Critic’s Note

Ego gives allies a buff depending on how many stars he has given them.

1 star- no boost

2 stars- increased basic damage by X

3 stars- 20% life steal and 75% attack speed increase

The lifesteal and speed boost are reduced against allies above level Y.

Red skill Fall from Grace (fantastic)

Ego deals X damage per second (scaling off basic damage) to the most wanted enemy. Once every 8 seconds he also stuns the most wanted enemy for 5 seconds.

Bonus stat boosts-

+Max Hp

+Skill Power

+Y healing over 10 seconds to ally affected by Encouraging Words


Linguini and Remy

“Frequent Visitor Discount” buffs 1 star allies (orange)

While allies are at a 1 star rating, they have +10 tenacity(per star) and +10 evasion(per star)

+healing per second to allies while allies are at 1 star

+basic damage to allies


“5 star show” AoE buffs (yellow)

Encouraging words also gives allies near the initial target 10% (per star) of the initial healing and skill power.


+Max Hp


This is actually a really clever idea. However, it should be >30% and that won’t include the 2 star’s 30%. As it currently stands allies won’t have any stars if they have dealt between 30 and 31% of HP, e.g. 30.4.%.

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Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed it.

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Great concept, really fits with current meta in a unique way which I always love. And format is simple and easy to read :+1:
10/10 :grin:


Interesting. Interesting.

Do I like it? No. Do I hate it? No. Do I love it? Absolutely.

Great concept, I was just watching the movie last night

Really creative and easy to understand! It is a 5 star rated concept! Anton Ego approves

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