The rules of challenger are…….interesting
@Samm, trying to fix the problem of fighting the same team has created a problem in it of itself.
Instead of seeing the same TEAM, we are seeing a few heroes user individually (Mad Hatter, Anger, Sulley and Boo, and Kevin Flynn). In my opinion, Arena/coli should be reworked even more.
I have one idea that IS a little unfair, but it could be slightly reworked. I suggest having at least 30 heroes off-duty for each week in Arena/Coli. That way, we could see and fight some very interesting teams and the whole experience would be a little more interesting and fun.
I think I can speak for the entire forum when I say that Arena/coli are some of the best game modes out there. They would be so much more fun if changes were made. I hope you can consider making some changes @Samm
Forumers, comment what kind of changes you would like to see (if any).
- Morsat