Arena/Coliseum Disk Changing Cooldown

If you say so I got knocked out 2 months in a row and was one of the 1st to report the bug.

I have no idea how Arena or colosseum works since I just started playing not long ago so I just voted to keep it as it is.

So sad, why voting if you don’t know? So bad


Because the game told me I had to vote and things aren’t really well explained so I had to choose one.

I really think swapping discs are not a good enough reason to start the cool down, because a lot of people send spars and swap discs all the time to match the others. Please vote for just swapping toons!!!

it’s only if you save your defence with the swapped disk, not just any arbitrary disk swap :stuck_out_tongue:

So how many of the votes in the poll are as a result of this misunderstanding?

I get the sinking feeling that I ought to just get used to Challenger-league Arena being the playground of the top few guilds.


If we fix this, we need to fix war disks. They shouldn’t change unless you physically go in and change them like arena and coli. Keeping up with invasion disks and disk for pvp is hard enough it would be a lot better to fix war to be same as arena. @Loutre


with most people unfairly receiving awards. I look at their arena line-ups. coliseum and guild wars and I think, how could you even get into the 1st league

never do that. study the question, and then make a decision.

Wow I have someone name candyman that ask me to do disk change to pass guy name bh what are the odds your name is candyman too

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So, any chance you can tell us what’s going to happen with the cooldown, in light of this poll?

Must be a coincidence

I’ll be closing this poll now that it has been a week! Looks like changing it back has won so I will take that back to the team and they’ll get working on that when they have the time.

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