The rewards for finishing 21+ in Challenger 2 is worse than the reward for finishing 1st in Challenger 6. The amount of gems is progressive and it only goes up reflecting the effort to go up in divisions. Why is the weekly reward worse for pushing harder?
I hope the team changes it at some point @Loutre. What is written above is basically the sole reason why I don´t push for Challenger II Arena/Coliseum - I get the same diamonds roughly (be it 11-20 or 21+) while getting no City Watch resets at the end (whereas in Challenger III if I win it I get overall 2+2 resets).
It is kinda detrimenting in this sense.
Its exactly what happened to me. I managed to push to II in arena but couldn’t in Coliseum. At first I was really happy but then realized that I ended up being first in coliseum III and 21+ in Arena II, both gave me the same gems every day and eventually the weekly for Arena II was a joke compared to Coliseum III. It was a pretty frustrating experience given how much effort it cost me to reach Arena II (my account is still weak).