Arena rule

So week 2 of arena with these terrible rules. Take group including Jake , Monkey F, Baymax, Abu… seven teams use 3 or more of them and five use two of them. It will be worse in weeks 3 &4. Three weeks of struggle on what is usually one of the fun parts of the game

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Unfortunately it seems that this is the way things are going to be going forward.

One of two things are happening:

  1. The team creating the rules have no clue how the game works, and are just randomly assigning rules and hence we have this mess that is just not fun for anyone to play.

  2. The team knows exactly what they are doing, creating the incentive that only top power players receive points and as a result requires people to spend more, and is no fun for anyone to play.

Either one is absolutely disgusting and speaks volumes about the state of the game, the direction it is going in and the reason it will not last much longer.

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