Hey everyone,
Ive been hearing alot of complaints and myself included about the follow rule;
Cannot use heroes that are in defenders team.
I was finally glad to be rid of this rule myself, only to see it pop up again.
I pretty much gave up trying to achieve anything in collo/arena except dailies.
The rule is very hampering in how you can progress in arena/colloseum. Because in its base, i think its supposed to create ingenuity and creativity, but in practice, you’re pidgeonholing the use of certain toons, to the extreme even if you get additional point scoring rules like true damage or in this case normal damage.
This wouldnt be bad perse, if not for the fact that the certain meta needs some very specific toons to counter (broken) meta toons. Which in itself sometimes are must needed counter ( looking at you baymaxlines).
Ive fought some lines which were very hard if not impossible at times to beat. Totally ruining the fun, unless I would be majorly but I really mean majorly overpowered.
Please look into it how this can be improved better. The current only improvement I have is removing the rule at all. So I could atleast still have fun playing arena/collo.
Yours sincerly DnD