Ariel: frontline, range damage dealer , blue team
Quote:”I came here to protect other and to save my home”
She appear from a lighting strike
Her victory pose is she does a diving trick
Her defeat animation she get shock with lightning and fades to dust
Basic attack:shoots a lightning bolt that chains damage on multiple enemies
White skill(storm of Poseidon)”true damage”: Ariel spawns a storms from Poseidon wrath in the storm enemies are dealt tick damage and have there movement speed reduce until the storm ends. Ariel and Her allies are heal overtime and gain a attack speed boost for 3 seconds until the storm ends. The storm lasts for 15 seconds
Green skill(tidal wave)”fantastic damage”:Ariel summons a whirlpool from her trident dealing damage to all enemies and knocking them back
Blue skill(bubble shield)”fantastic damage”:Ariel uses her trident to protect herself granting Ariel and a closest ally with a shield for 5 seconds after a short delay or if enemies destroy the shield when any ally or Ariel is near an enemy the shield will burst dealing area damage.
Purple skill(harden shell):Ariel is immune to knock ups and knock backs if your are dealt damage your will gain armor overtime(gaining armor overtime has a chance to fail at level 41)
Red skill(protector of the ocean): when any of her allies deal true or fantastic damage they gain x health base on there how much armor they have. If Ariel deal true damage she gains armor base on how much health she has. And if a enemy knocks up or knocks back her allies there will gain invincible for 6 seconds(gaining allies invincible has a chance to fail above level 112)
x skill power
x health
x armor
Friendships: urlsa,Gerald
Urlsa disc (ocean keeper):
X skill power
Extends the shields duration on bubble shield
When damage is done to enemies with the shield it will do extra damage
Gerald disc(friends from the sea)
X basic attack damage
X armor
When Ariel damages enemies with tidal wave or storm of Poseidon the damage will also gain life steal from basic attacks
Tick damage is damage overtime
They add knock ups to future heroes
4 star is a future hero rarity they will cost 120 chips to unlock her
Life steal only works on basic attacks