Art Studio

(A forum member creates an art topic)
Me: (crashes in) Who summoned me?!

(Anyways, yeah, one of my most wanted characters in this game is Magica de Spell, drawn by yours truly.)


Hey her and NegaDuck are the best Disney Villains I understand why you want her but we gotta get Scrooge first I think

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Ok guessing Maleficent And Magica would have a Friendship if they add her

Scar came before Rafiki, and Gaston came before Beast. But then again, it’s likely that Scrooge will come first before Magica.

Hey! I have the same thought too!

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They both have Dark magic and they both have pale skin lol

Dang! Dats stunning.

Here’s a drawing I did of the Lost Boy Form Disney Heroes, it’s really random I know lol. (Just added color)


multiple comment spam aside (as seems to be the case with every topic the OP wades into), I actually don’t think the art Spiderhog posted is that bad at all - sure, they are a little rough, but they are pretty true to form.

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@Pipsqueak if @SpiderHog didn’t delete his drawing of Negaduck you’d see what I mean

This post is geing attention but for all the wrong reasons!!!

Well, Idk about me contributing to this sonce I cannot draw, however, I have a friend who would love to draw, infact, He has already started.



I didn’t delete my drawing of NegaDuck

I thought you did…

I finished Oswald’s white skill


Hello how is everyone doing

So many works of art! Wow!

Oh thank you for your support

How are we almost at 100 already lol

Any artworks of Stitch or Pooh?

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