Aru Blue Archives unlikey heroes concept

Hi everyone today we talking about a Aru from blue archives.


Description: But her frequent blunders always expose her as a poser.

Quote:“I just have make it to home base.”



Entrance: Walk to positive

Victory: Crackles and laugh.

Defeat: Aru slap a head.

Basic Attack: Shoot sniper to further enemy.

Skills Animation

White Skills :white_circle:
“Hard-Boiled Shot” ( Normal Damage )

Passive:Aru shoot to further enemy dealing x Normal Damage and also applause 2 Stack of weakness and bulleye last 8.0 second.

Active: Aru shoot with a sniper to further enemy and applause “Bomb” when after 3.0 second and dealing x Normal damage all Enemy Team.

Green Skills :green_circle:
“Noir Attack” ( Normal Damage )

Aru pull out a mine bomb and throw further enemy dealing x Normal damage and also applause 3 Stack of weakness last 8.0 second.

Blue Skills :large_blue_circle:
“The Gravity of a Boss”

Aru pull out a Cellphone to “Most Wanted” and Silence enemy them last 15.0 second.

Purple Skills :purple_circle:
“Way of the Outlaw”( True Damage )

Aru dealing bonus x True Damage when enemy are weakness.

When enemy have 5 stack Fatigue there are weakness.

Red Skills :red_circle:
“Hard Time”( Normal Damage )

Aru and allies increase Normal Crit x when enemy are weakness.

“Noir Attack” also Curse enemy team last 10.0 second.

X.Basic Damage
X.Skills Power
X. More Bonus Normal Damage to “Hard-Boiled Shot”

Friendship Disk

1.Aru and Hades
Disk Name: Cellphone Cured
Disk Effects: Weakness to burn
Other Effects:

1.When enemy are weakness also burn x them last 3 second ( x% Star level )

2.X Basic Damage
3.X Energy Regen
4.X Max Hp to Allies

Campaign: Hades try get revenge to Zeus brother, Aru get to call someone else, Hades call a Aru to support her.

Allies: Emperor Zurg, Anger, Megavolt

2.Aru and Haruka
Disk Name: Tickets VIP
Disk Effect: Tank Weak
Others Effects:

1.When Enemy Role Tank also loss armor by 10% last 10.0 second. ( x% star level )

2.X Enemy Role Tank loss Armor
3.X Enemy Role Tank loss Reality
4.X Basic Damage to allies

Campingn: Aru try to tickets on a black market, Haruka try a break on a window, Aru try to stop but is to late, the creep to attack, Aru get to refuse a Haruka.

Allies: Mustsuki, Kayoko, Hina,

I hope like heroes concept!

I Think try next week, Hina try Fix a skills.

I hope okay.

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