Name: Audrey
Trial team:Yellow
Audrey uses malificents power to cause death and destruction on the battle field
“Benny boo”
Entering battle: Audrey appears in pink smoke
Win pose : Audrey laughs and disappears in smoke
Lose : Audrey falls to the ground and drops the Sceptre
Basic attack : Audrey fires different coloured magic at opponents
White move : | Evil side | Audrey uses the septer to create a mist on the battle field putting all opponents to sleep dealing Y dmg for 5 seconds The sleep effect will last 10 seconds
Green move:| I want to be dangerous | Audrey fires three balls of purple and red magic doing X damage to the mid back and front opponents
Blue move : |My scheme | Audrey summons a cloud above her team healing them for 10 seconds
Purple move : |The amber| The first time Audrey reaches 0 up a blue and purple glow will revive her to double her normal hp
Red move : |Queen of Mean| Audrey increase her dmg and hp giving a Z boost to her white move
Friend ships : Audreys friendships would be : Malificent, madam mim at lvl 139 the malificent Audrey team complete by Ursula and sally the madam mim by Elsa and Ian
Disk : little magic
Increase health : X
Increase Basic damage: Y
Healing duration: 10 seconds
Mission: spell control , magical lane , book hex
Disk:Dark spell this memory disk increases X Damage the sleep duration by 5 her hp by X
Basic damage: increases by Y
Health bar: X
Mission: Evil like me , decay spells , death course
(Sorry for big images and errors )