Audrey Desendants Concept

Name: Audrey


Trial team:Yellow :yellow_heart:



Audrey uses malificents power to cause death and destruction on the battle field

“Benny boo”

Entering battle: Audrey appears in pink smoke

Win pose : Audrey laughs and disappears in smoke

Lose : Audrey falls to the ground and drops the Sceptre

Basic attack : Audrey fires different coloured magic at opponents

White move : | Evil side | Audrey uses the septer to create a mist on the battle field putting all opponents to sleep dealing Y dmg for 5 seconds The sleep effect will last 10 seconds

Green move:| I want to be dangerous | Audrey fires three balls of purple and red magic doing X damage to the mid back and front opponents

Blue move : |My scheme | Audrey summons a cloud above her team healing them for 10 seconds

Purple move : |The amber| The first time Audrey reaches 0 up a blue and purple glow will revive her to double her normal hp

Red move : |Queen of Mean| Audrey increase her dmg and hp giving a Z boost to her white move

Friend ships : Audreys friendships would be : Malificent, madam mim at lvl 139 the malificent Audrey team complete by Ursula and sally the madam mim by Elsa and Ian

Disk : little magic
Increase health : X
Increase Basic damage: Y
Healing duration: 10 seconds

Mission: spell control , magical lane , book hex

Disk:Dark spell this memory disk increases X Damage the sleep duration by 5 her hp by X
Basic damage: increases by Y
Health bar: X

Mission: Evil like me , decay spells , death course

(Sorry for big images and errors )

Post all feedback

Decent concept

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Yeah ? :confused: it’s still Disney also it’s a Diseny channel favourite

The concept needs a lot of improvements

Maybe edit the concept and correct your grammar

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Grammar. Also I will give some feedback as well if you would like.

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:ok_hand:t2: got it thanks :sweat:

For format, I suggest looking at other good concepts and concept makers. Also I suggest you check out this guide I made to help you. This feedback is not meant to be rude or discourage you, but to help.

Some of the concept is good, but some of it is just ok.

How long does the sleep effect last and how does it work? What type of damage does this deal? Also use variables for damage so it would be something like:
Audrey uses the scepter to create a mist on the battlefield putting all enemies to sleep for (number of seconds) and dealing X damage.

What type of damage? Also use variables as I mentioned earlier.

Blue is fine it just needs the variable.

I understand what the skill does, but the phrasing does not make much sense to me.

That is really not how red skills work but good try.

I think that is enough to work on improving for now. After you become good at making skills and formatting, you can work on creating better friendships.


Thanks :sweat: :sweat::wave:

What are those emoji’s for?


I agree with @Defender_Momo_LV… Why do you put them?

I like oh do 10 words or what ever

It * lol I mean

Ok. Maybe use different ones or say something in () like:

(10 characters)

Because when you use emojis like that it seems like you are sad or something.

I’m a bit new to this okay people :pensive:

We know, and we are just trying to help you.

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Okay (10 digits)

I don’t under stand stuff like the X damage and the friendship stuff and Varibles thing

The link I put in my feedback explains the variables better as well as some other things. Read it (like actually read it all the way through, paying attention to the details) and then feel free to ask questions about it.

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