Basic Attack: Aurora blows a kiss and then waves her hand in the air, increasing all allies attack and movement speed by 25%, this can stack up to 4 times, the duration of the buff lasts for the rest of the wave, the buff can only be removed by fatigue
White Skill: Cursed Spindle(Fantastic Damage)
A spinning wheel appears in the middle of the battlefield, distracting enemies and giving them scared.
Aurora is hypnotized by the spinning wheel, so she walks across the battlefield.
While Aurora is walking across she has Invincibility and 10 stacks of hardy till she reaches the spinning wheel.
When Aurora gets close to the spinning wheel she pricks herself from the needle, giving all enemies Hex for 12 seconds. Aurora also gains distracted, she also gains Invincibility and 5 stacks of Hardy till all enemies Hexes are used or are gone.
(Aurora cannot have more than 20 stacks of Hardy)
The Hex for the Hardy and Invincibility duration can only be from Aurora and not other characters, if an enemy does have a Hex and it’s used, if the Hex did not come from Aurora, the Hardy and Invincibility of Aurora will not be removed.
Green Skill: Keep Her Safe
At the begging of each wave, the 3 fairies (Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather) give Aurora a gift.
The 3 of them give Aurora a special magical charm
Flora gives Aurora 100% Improved Healing from her basic attacks
Fauna gives Aurora 200% Attack and Movement Speed
Merryweather gives Aurora a special shield that reduces all incoming damage to 80% less, if an enemy has Hex, Aurora deals 0 damage from that enemy.
Blue Skill: Beauty from Within
When Aurora dies, she gives her 3 fairy allies to the 3 allies based on their stats.
The character with the most healing to allies gains Flora
The character with the most basic damage gains Fauna
Lastly, the character with the weakest HP gains Merryweather
When the ally with Merryweather has 100% MAX HP, Merryweather switches to another weak character.
Purple Skill: True Loves Kiss
Aurora’s basic attacks now charm enemies for 3 seconds and heal the 2 weakest allies for X HP per second for 5 seconds.
Red Skill: Sleeping Beauty
After Aurora touches the spinning wheel she disappears on the battlefield for 10 seconds, dodging all attacks. Aurora then appears back to the battlefield, cleansed from debuffs, and gains distract. The Invincibility and Hardy still apply
While Aurora is gone, the 3 fairies panic and go to 3 random enemies
Flora applies curse to the random enemy
Fauna reduces 90% attack and movement speed to the random enemy
Merryweather gives most wanted and MAX HP decrease to the random enemy
An enemy has a maximum of 2 fairies each
- X Skill Power
+25% Attack and Movement Speed applied from Aurora’s basic attack
+100% Improved Healing
Friendship Disks:
Maleficent: True Loves Kiss Doesn’t Exist
Enemies gain Hex if the enemy blocked a charm from any source. The Hex last for 4 seconds
If added a star: +1 second