AUTO (WALL-E) Hero Concept


“The Axiom’s automated steering wheel robot. This loyal robot who follows his directive is an energy hungry foe and can do serious damage.”

Stars: :star::star:
Role: Control
Postion: Front
Trial Team: Red

“Not Possible!”

AUTO descends from the sky.
AUTO’s wheel spins.
AUTO shuts down. His red eye will fade. (Just like when the Captain shuts him off by switching him to Manual.)

AUTO pokes the frontmost enemy.
(something like this)


Fantastic Damage: AUTO electrocutes the enemy with the most energy which deals X damage and steals 80% energy for himself. The energy steal has a reduced effect on enemies higher than Level X.
AUTO summons the Axiom to the battlefield, landing it on top of enemies which burns the enemy team with its thrusters dealing X damage over time for 12 seconds.

AUTO summons 2 SECUR-T robots which freezes the 2 strongest enemies until each SECURE-T robot is defeated.
Once AUTO falls below 40% of his HP, he fills the energy bar of his ally with the least energy by 100%.
Once AUTO is KO’ed, all allies will receive 100% energy.
Everytime AUTO electrocutes an enemy with his White Skill, his allies gain 50% the amount of energy he stole from the enemy.

Davy Jones
Campaign: Pirate’s Directive
Friendship Disk:

  • SMOOTH LANDING deals 20% more damage
  • Basic Attack now blinds enemies for X seconds
  • AUTO’s attack speed increases once his White Skill is activated
  • Higher Max HP

Allies: Hook, Barbossa, Scar

Campaign: Robotic Sidekick
Friendship Disk:

  • SECUR-T CONTROL now stops 3 enemies
  • NOT POSSIBLE becomes activated when AUTO reaches 50% HP
  • MUTINY! now gives allies 75% of the stolen energy
  • Faster energy generation

Allies: The Evil Queen, Tron, Emperor Zurg


I have some feedback, if you want it.

Go ahead. Thinking of proper friendships is harder than I thought. WALL-E and EVE obviously won’t do since AUTO is the main antagonist in the movie.

Should this be a whole sentence?

Oops. Yes it was supposed to be a sentence. AUTO will give full energy to the entire team when he gets KO’ed. (similar to The Killing Joke Joker in Injustice)

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Overall, it is creative and a good concept, but here are a few things.

I am not 100% sure if he fits this role, but it does work. I just feel like with the skillset you gave he might be better as a damage or control hero.

The amount of energy steal is always specified I believe.

Because this skill deals damage, you need the type of damage it deals.

Burning damage does not exist. It would be I think damage over time. Seconds are always specified.

I am not exactly sure what this means because stops do not exist. It would be better if you said it is a freeze or stun that lasts a long time. (like 12 seconds)

This does not really feel tanky.

Not sure what this is for. Looks like an incomplete statement.

This is a good red skill, in fact all the skills are good, they just need to be a little more specific. You also need the stat boosts Auto receives from the skill.

Overall the friendships are very good. Great job finding connections. Usually, friendship disks do not have that many effects. Would love to see the names of the disks as well. I recommend looking at concepts with really strong friendships and the format the disks follow.

Do not be discouraged, cause everything else is great! Good concept.


I was going to place him as a Control or a Tank character. Thanks for the suggestion! I pretty much prefer him as a Control hero but what hinders me is if there are any Control heroes in the game who are positioned at the front.

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