Autopilot: On

25 15 21

It’s been a very long while, hasn’t it? I’ve just been feeling unmotivated because I’m not sure people would like concepts on obscure characters, like ones from Deltarune. Because I’m not sure if people would even get the concept.

AUTO and GO-4

“Aye-aye, sir.”

AUTO and GO-4 arrive on the battlefield, seizing control from enemies and taking things over themselves.


Trial Team: Red

Position: Front

Role: Control

Stars: :star:


Entrance: GO-4 hovers to his position while AUTO descends into it. After descending, AUTO spins his wheel around and brightens his sensor. Then, he dims his sensor back down.

Victory: AUTO spins his wheel around while GO-4 turns his alarm on

K.O.: AUTO’s light dims down until it is completely off while GO-4 just loses its balance and falls onto the ground

Basic Attack: AUTO jabs an enemy with a claw from one of his handles, dealing Y damage


A control panel appears in front of AUTO. Then, AUTO taps on a button on the panel, summoning the SECUR-T units, which appear in front of enemies, distracting them until they are disabled or KO’d. Each SECUR-T unit has X HP.

Enemies distracted by this skill are not able to gain buffs. Each enemy may only be distracted by up to 3 SECUR-T bots.

Buff blocking may fail against enemies above level Z.

Threatening Analysis
:fist: Normal Damage
GO-4 scans nearby enemies, studying them for 9 seconds. If an enemy studied by this skill is already studied, they are dealt X damage.

Then, GO-4 traps the nearest enemy in a bubble for 7 seconds, removing all of their buffs.

Stun may fail against enemies above level Z.

Electric Pulse
:fist: Normal Damage
AUTO ascends into the air. Then, he descends in front of the furthermost non-disabled enemy, jabbing them with an electrified claw, dealing Y damage, removing all of their active buffs, and stunning them for 9 seconds.

If all enemies are disabled, AUTO will just target the furthermost enemy.

At the beginning of every wave, AUTO scans all enemies, studying them for 15 seconds and stealing all buffs from the frontmost enemy.

Study and buff steal may fail against enemies above level Z.

Mutinous Act
:fist: Normal Damage
AUTO and GO-4 are now immune to disables from enemies. Whenever an enemy attempts to disable AUTO, AUTO reflects the disable back and deals Z damage to the enemy.

Whenever an enemy attempts to gain a buff while distracted by the SECUR-T units, they’re dealt Z damage.

Disable reflection may fail against enemies above level Z.

Additional Stat Boosts:
+Z Max HP
+Z Basic Damage
+Z Damage to Studied Enemies with “Threatening Analysis”

X = Skill Power; Y = Basic Damage; Z = Level Cap


Is charged in battle when:

Stun is appled to 2 enemies.

When charged:

  • Skill Power: +Z
  • Armor per Red Team Hero: +Z
  • Normal Crit: +60 Normal Crit


AUTO - Captain Amelia
Captain's Orders
"Halt" Distracts Enemies Longer
Allies: Maximus, Hiro, Bunsen and Beaker

  • +Z Skill Power
  • +Z Max HP to SECUR-T units from “Halt”
  • Enemies are distracted by SECUR-T units deal 5% less damage to allies

AUTO - Hiro Hamada
Hacked Software
Debuffs on Allies are Inverted
Allies: Huey, Dewey, & Louie, Launchpad, Captain Amelia

  • +Z Max HP to AUTO and allies
  • +Z Reality
  • Every 8 stat debuffs applied to allies are turned into buffs
  • Inverted buffs last 0.5 seconds longer than their original duration`

Hope you liked it!


I’ll update the Badge Origins thread soon… :sweat_smile:

Upcoming concepts:

Feedback on the concept is appreciated

You can request me to continue working on a concept or you can just request another character not in the Trello


  • Character (Game/Movie/Series)

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