Avengers Series: Captain America

DISCLAIMER: some skills inspired by Marvel’s Avengers

Captain America

Stars: :star2::star2::star2:
Quote: “Avengers Assemble!”
Position: Frontline
Role: Tank
Team: Red
Entrance: Cap runs to his spot on the battlefield and takes out his shield
Victory: Cap puts his shield on his back and crosses his arms
Defeat: Cap’s shield breaks and he drops it, defeated
Basic Attack: Cap bashes an opponent with his shield.

White Skill: Impenetrable Defense
:stop_sign: :dizzy: :rescue_worker_helmet: - Immunity, Stun, Armour

Passive: When Cap is buffed from any source, he becomes immune to crits.

Active: Cap throws his shield in the air and catches it, slamming it into the ground, stunning all enemies for 3 seconds and increasing his Armour by 30% for 10 seconds.

Green Skill: Shield Parry
:arrows_counterclockwise: :dizzy: :beginner: - Parry, Stun, Shield

Cap blocks an attack and bashes his shield against the attacker, stunning them for 8 seconds and granting Cap a shield for X HP.

Cap can only counter an attack once every 8 seconds

Blue Skill: Old Soldier
:rescue_worker_helmet::beginner: - Armour, Shield

Once per wave, when Cap reaches 25% of his Max HP, he toughens up, increasing his Armour by 25% for the rest of the wave and granting him a shield for X HP.

Purple Skill: Assemble!
:infinity: - Passive Skill

Cap blocks all projectiles directed at allies behind him.

This has a chance to fail against enemies higher than level X

Red Skill: First Avenger

When using “Shield Parry” after bumping the attacker Cap also kicks them, knocking them back and dealing X damage

“Shield Parry” also grants allies 50% of the shield Cap gets.

The shield has a chance to fail against allies above level X


Captain America and Slinky Dog

“S.H.I.E.L.D Improvements”

Captain America’s Shields from “Shield Parry” and “Old Soldier” Grant 1-5 stacks of Hardy.
Allies: Baymax, Syndrome, Gizmoduck

Captain America and Jack Sparrow

“Justice For A Price”

Captain America gains +0.1 Armour per star every time an ally or himself use a White, Green or Blue Skill.
+Skill Power
Allies: Flynn Rider, Robin Hood, Bo Peep

Next time I will be using Friendship Synergy Skills so keep that in mind while picking the next Avenger!

  • Iron Man
  • The Hulk
  • Thor
  • Black Widow
  • Hawkeye

0 voters


In honor of Chadwick I say do black panther next :pensive:

Black Panther will be done after all the Avengers are done since they won the poll

Then you should have said “Original Avengers” if you are only doing the first 6 and not all of them together.

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