Bad hero deal!

Sooo I’m paying 50$ and I don’t even get the hero? The items in the deal is centered around Randall and you don’t even get Randall, it’s just weird because perblue usually includes hero chips… This is a terrible deal! lol

I don’t spend any money, but I think the rewards aren’t that bad. At least you get 10x Crates and Damage Crates, which has the potential to unlock Randall…

The damage boxes have Randall and Madim Mim In Them. Did you not read their roles?

@CMG4SpookMaster LOL Randall is diamond crate “only” genius. Diamond crate only policy is above all other crates in the game.


@CMG4SpookMaster oh really? Interesting… Go look at this link.

Role type crates: Terrible!

Either two things happened: Perblue actually listened to my forum and change it after the update or Perblue doesn’t like me lol

-_- you legit whined cause the RNG of the Crates didn’t give you your precious Mim. Boo Hoo. It’s random. You aren’t guaranteed crud! Randall is pretty likely since it’s 500 Crates! “Genius”

Your missing the point… Yes RNG crates are garbage, I shouldn’t have to pay to get chips I already have, nobody should lol
If I have a 6 starred Darkwing please don’t give me 300 more chips, it’s unnecessary and makes consumers feel like they’re wasting their money 🤷

You just played yourself. You are mad that you didn’t get Mim but now your mad cause it’s random and you couldn’t get Mim

You can’t always get what you desire

@CMG4SpookMaster Your still missing the point lol… The forum wasn’t only about not getting madam mim and I said that in the forum. They’re were other heroes I needed, it was about getting hero chips that players don’t need smh :roll_eyes:

…it’s random. So whatever you get is what you get. And you don’t NEED those heroes all heroes are great under certain circumstances (Except Yax)

@CMG4SpookMaster Okay and? Lol that’s your opinion. News flash: not every player uses all or majority heroes, like myself and I’m pretty sure other players only use certain Heroes. It’s called preference so speak for yourself~

I use Woody and Shank two very bad characters! And get by just fine so what’s ya point

Well, this thread lasted precisely 1 added comment before devolving way off-topic :thinking:

Have these update celebration packs ever included the newest hero? I’m not convinced they have, so the addition of attuned mods is just a handy bonus. There will no doubt be deals featuring the heroes in the near future :man_shrugging:

As mentioned in that 1 comment, at least the crates have a chance to drop Randall, though I agree in terms of value it’s a relatively poor deal.


Actually…(Yax) has been being used to counter and kill jafar as of lately lol, not sure how he just does!!! Lmao (just having fun):grinning:

He doesn’t counter Jafar anymore

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