Badge Origins

Driving in style is cars refernce you can tell since the drwan tier is tier lighting mcqueen shown to have and he mentioned something realted to this in the first cars movie

Pft. It was racist?

That is all you got out of the movie?

Yes, it was racist, But that is what things were like in those times. In fact, it was trying to show the whole idiocy of the Hate against the different colors.

A Negro finds his life more happy by thinking of (and telling) stories of Brer Rabbit. The White boy’s mother does not approve and wants to send the Negro away, After an incident with a bull, the mother relents and discovers that she was wrong.

We see, that the Negro and The Grandmother both got along.

The story is about Class boundaries and demonstrated that people are just people, we all are supposed to be equal.

But, Not everyone likes that Kind Of thing.


Also Incognito Mode might be Toy Story since Mr. Potato Heads mustache, nose, and eye brows look similar to those glasses?

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Think this is the origin for Pigasus

Nice. I think you found it too


Breakfast of Champions might be based on Breakfast of Champions. It was distributed by Buena Vista which is now Walt Disney Pictures.
Also Cheese Wheel might be the Lizzie McGuire movie since she got a big cheese wheel though that’s a stretch.
More of a stretch, Rocket Patch Kit might be Jessie since I’m one episode they “went” to space and the rocket had old chewing gum (though this is a veeeeeery big stretch.

I know. Oh, I forgot to mention that Drum Line is from I believe Babes in As well as the Rock Punch. If you see the Rock’s Hand, that is from Hercules.

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Badge of friendship — I think Toy Story
Badge of stealth 83% certain it is Aristochats

Might be the origin for
Super Duper Glue

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I think cheese wheel is from Ratatouille

Nope, that would spoil the fun :smiley:


Nope…Probably Hercules (No chance,no way!)or frozen.(nope!)?

Hmmmm, you said Nope. Is that where Nope! comes from???


Lol (10 characters)


Could the Color Wheel be referring to Disney’s World is Color show?

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Possibly (10)


Or Pocahontas for Colors of the Wind?

Any chance that Spell Diary is Hocus Pocus as well? I don’t remember it very well, but the spells were partly based around a book. No other spellcaster I remember had anything to do with a book. Unless it is Princess Diaries.
Impractical Oven Mitts is likely Kronk’s New Groove. He wore them between flashbacks.

No the spell book is not from hocus pocus. That was Winifred’s Spell Book


Drum line… Pixar short “one man band” ?

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