Badge-Stamina Cost Solutions

Badge-Stamina Cost Solutions

As we continue to have the game expand, I was wondering if there has been any thoughts on a system that could be implemented to reduce the stamina costs of red badges that end up causing players to burn out? It’s really tough to see players that enjoy and love this game get burned out because of the increasing grind and stamina costs as the game ages. I brainstormed a couple ideas to help solve this issue.

A couple of solutions that could be implemented:

Solution 1: Cost reduction each time the same badge is crafted

• Reduce the cost of the badge after each time the user crafts the badge
• For example:
1st time creating a specific badge costs 5,000 stamina
2nd time creating the same badge costs 2,500 stamina
3rd time creating the same badge costs 2,000 stamina
4th time creating the same badge costs 1,500 stamina
5th and more time creating the badge costs 1,000 stamina

Solution 2: Create “Badge Blueprint Crates” Allow for “Badge Blueprints” to be earned for certain high level badges which grant a significant cost reduction in terms of materials.

• Players could earn Badge Blueprints for specific badges through “Badge Blueprint Chests” that are rewarded similarly to cosmetic crates.
• Badge Blueprints allow for the crafting of badges at a portion of the materials that it would normally cost such as 10% of the cost, once that blueprint is obtained
• Badge blueprint crates could be rewarded in contests

Solution 3: Allow for the Upgrading of Campaign Level Map Nodes with “Campaign Node Gems” to increase level rewards

• Develop a system where you could “upgrade” certain levels on the map
• For Example:
Upgrading Chapter 20.1 node with a “Campaign Node Gem” would increase the campaign level and its rewards by 5x each time the level was upgraded up to a maximum of 50x (Level 10) by investing 10 Campaign Node Gem.

Campaign Node Gems would only be able to be used on a specific map level so players would have to choose wisely which levels they would want to upgrade the rewards for.

Campaign Node Gems could be rewarded in contests or as special offers

Any thoughts on these ideas? @Polaris @Etesian


These are great. I would say in order to benefit non VIP players and F2P there needs to be another way the badge crafting decreases in the first idea you have

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Etesian doesn’t monitor the forums

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such a good idea…
beside stamina that cost much for crafting, gold also need to reduce for crafting… or at least port should give us more gold than usually

raiding in campaign should give more gold too… let see, at stage/area 19, it only give us +/- 1k gold lol… even it cant level up 1 skill for level 125

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