Badges booster crates revamp

Hi, as you probably noticed, badges booster crates stopped to give new badges after Yellow 5, which is really disturbing because now new badges that aren’t on the crates costs us even more and they start to be useless.

I’m just asking if we could get the new yellow badges from those crates instead capping badges at certain level, as F2P player, badges booster crates are the only way to keep up with the game. @Samm

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You are using them wrong.


How wrong ? I have all my characters with full badges equiped, when you promote someone to the last rank, you can’t have the latest badges when you open badges crates, only those beyond Yellow 5. The yellow new badges need to be raided manually.

Yellow+6 is not the current top rank of the server.

The badges are not tied to your heroes’ top rank…

Well, depends on your server, how and WHEN you got the badge crates.

Server 1 can get Y22 badges, even Y23 if you had acquired all badge crates you possess after the cap raise.

Y11 or Y12 for Servers 21 and 25.

So yeah you are clearly doing something wrong. Do you have all heroes fully equipped? If so, that is a wrong approach. You should equip 5 badges and ideally just craft but not equip the 6th one.

The 6th badge ideally being a blue one. Or one that only needs 2 other badges to be crafted (not 3 or 4).

Basically to explain how badge crates work…

“Has the hero all badges equipped?”
YES - Include next rank badges (if the hero is not eligible, don’t include… if no hero at all is eligible, give 4k badge tokens)
NO - Question 2.

"Has the hero all badges equippable? (Aka crafted but not attached)
YES - Do not include equippable badges. NO - Include to the chance badges which are not crafted.

So basically by equipping all badges on heroes you tickle the first YES. And that means you receive random chance of any hero’s next rank badges…

Whereas having 5 badges equipped and the 6th crafted but not equipped tickles “NO” in Question 1 and “YES” in Question 2.

Only then you can control Badge Crates so that they give you badges for your top heroes. Since those questions are asked for all heroes individually and then the eligible badges are in a pool ready to be picked.

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