Baloo Appreciation

Baloo has been added to the game! Time to have an appreciation topic to celebrate! So, post your Baloo memes, GIFs, or anything to do with this lovable bear. (Not Winnie the Pooh, sorry Pooh, maybe another day.)


Nobody has commented on this topic, so i’ll hang out here and eat.

Maybe i’ll eat a banana while i’m at it.

Me When No Cute: :frowning:

Are you saying Baloo is not cute?

He Is Cute. Not Saying That.
Verrryyyyyyy Cute

I’m gonna scratch my back now.

Can you define “cute”?

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I’m literally not saying “Baloo is cute”, I was asking, “are you saying Baloo is not cute.” You gotta read over it one more time before you assume something.

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