Barbossa owners - opinions on him?

I was lucky enough to pull him soon after he was released, and I was pretty hyped

But to cut long story short - HE IS AWFUL.

His main strength and probably the main reason for any hype he could have gotten is supposed to be his active skill Scan the Horizon. To those who don’t know, it applies a Scare equivalent, but for Normal damage. Also, boosts Barbossa himself. But man, it charges too long! Heck, his second skill gives energy, but it’s still just terrible. Studied lasts only 6 seconds, which is shorter than any Scare, and usually can be applied only at the very end of a fight… And Chain Shot? One second crowd control, welcome to three star tier everyone. Purple rank gives him a nice boost to damage at least.

Overall he can dish out some damage alright… but:

  • His attacks send PROJECTILES. Which means, they have to travel a CERTAIN DISTANCE.
  • He is so far back, even Jack Jack gets placed in front. So the distance to travel gets LONG.
  • So his attacks tend to simply MISS because the target for example MOVED.

Take Jack Jack for example, his basic attacks are lasers, and they hit immediately. And it’s good, because he is chilling in the back line. But Barbossa?

Did anyone managed to get that guy to work at least half-decently?

Personally have enough chip to unlock him but will wait to get it full in a dmnd crate to use those chips to increase his stars. For what i heard from my guild mates he is strong at 5*… but yeah almost any hero is really strong at that point. Reading his abilities he seems very interesting but in fact the back posititioning and the projectiles issue are both huge problems. By the way what was the team comp you’ve tried it?? I ve seen it very few times in coliseum and probably just 2/3 times in arena

Not yet, but his memory disk gives him the ability to Study at the beginning of the match. That should make him much more usable

Sure his disk seems very interesting but to unlock it you need to be in server1(for now) and at max level… so wait till he is at lv80 p3 full enhanced with disk to consider him useful seems too much :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hey, so I’ve tried few different things. Definitely Jessie, since if she used the active skill on Studied enemies, that’d be a back line massacre… but on auto, it just never happens due to low energy charge for Barbossa. Jessie, on the contrary - takes a lot of heat and gives a lot of heat.

I also really wanted Felix and Violet, for those two can keep your main damage dealer alive fairly well. I also wanted Finnick since his damage is good and gives a nice slow, but, he turns out to be meh the further your are into the game.

I’d probably go for double tank for him.

Hey, I’ve got a maxed out lvl 75 P2 5* barbossa and I find him one of my most useful heroes, he was a bit meh at 3-4s but has improved massively at 5. As I’m server 7 I’m yet to see witness his friendships but all in all maxed out he’s a v strong character imo

I like using barbossa if he is on the right team and he is purple. Otherqise i find him to be ineffctive on a team.

Put him with support heroes like Judy, on a team that focuses on dealing physical damage, or both, and he can deal insane damage in a short time. Works even better in city battle where you can do it at the beginning of the battle nearly every battle.

I’d recommend heroes with knockback abilities, like Violet, Finnick and many others, alongside a good strong tank or two who doesn’t leave their spot. The accuracy/slow projectile problem isn’t a concern when the enemies are trapped against the back wall.

Also, his study ability makes him good alongside strong physical attackers. But you’ve heard that from everyone else already

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I think his study should also give teammates a chance to dodge attacks for the 6 seconds. It would make more people use him and I am all for more variety. Tired of fighting Sully and Tia.

Barbosa is fine. At purple, no friendship, still 3 stars. The key with him is to synergize with other heroes. I usually pair him with Incredible/jessie, Jack sparrow, yax (frozone disc) and Jack-Jack. Since Barbossa already lights enemies on fire, Jack jack is a fantastic beast that just deals massive damage. Jack’s Hearty crew boost also pairs very well with Incredible. Add in barbossa’s Study and both Incredible and Jessie (whichever you pick) just massacre. Both Jessie and Sparrow can dodge, helping them stay alive to get healed by Yax.

Other teams exist, but this one feels the most effective.

I find him a really good character for taking on teams with no/low armor &/or fantastic immunity.

Most people know the popular scare/fantastic damage teams.

Barbossa can do a similar thing with normal damagers.

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