Bart Simpson concept

Name: Bart Simpson


Role: Damage

Starts : :star2:

Trial team : :red_square:


“ Ay caramba”

Entrance: Bart skates onto the battlefield and throws his skateboard

Defeat: Bart kicks a rock

Victory: Bart throws his a long shot in the air and cheers

Basic attack: Bart slingshots rocks at

White move: | Super prank | Bart Grabs a beehive and kicks it at the strongest opponent Dealing X damage. And stunning them for 5 seconds

Green move: | Eat my shorts |
Bart throws 4 smoke bombs dealing Y damage for 5 seconds and lowering 2 opponents defence for 3 seconds

Blue move : | my butter finger | when Bart is near defeat he eats a butter finger restoring half of his hp and increasing his attack for 5 seconds

Purple move: | Ay caramba |
(Super prank damage can now be increased by 50% on activation and Barts Blue move may now shield him)

Red skill: | COUCH GA’G |

Thats pretty long for a skill name

And you’re also missing friendships and a red skill


Yes I know I will change the name I just need time to think of a red skill thanks for the advice :+1:

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What type of damage does it do? Fantastic, Normal or True?


You also need the friendships, and I believe a red skill.


Thanks as always for your help I will be fixing all of these flaws and the skills will do :
White, Fantastic
Green, true

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Here’s Imagineer’s guide here. If you do need it.


Hate to be rude but you are missing certain stuff

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Where’s the Role?

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Like Tank damage support or control

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Oh you must have not seen it it’s under bart haBart have a nice day :slight_smile:

Is it

Really nice

He is missing his role

Like tank support damage or control

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He is a damage?

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