Tank (I know right?)
Hits all enemies twice both forwards and on the return. Makes enemies focus on Minnie for their next 3 attacks.
Iron Polka Dots
Increases Minnie’s defense from damage by 75% for 5 seconds. She is also immune to status effects during this time.
Rock the Dots
Causes “Enamor’d” status. The enemy with the most damage given during the wave will be stunned by Minnie’s beauty for 5 seconds and become studied by all teammates except Minnie for 5 seconds. Studied enemies will have 100% crit chance against them from normal attacks.
Everlasting Love/Longing Passion
Minnie Increases Mickey’s attack damage by 100% for 5 seconds, his heals over time turn into a full heal with an equal shield and Increases his attack speed by 100% for 5 seconds.
If Mickey is not in the party Minnie throws a Tantrum and scares all enemies for 5 seconds and pushes all enemies back with a flood of tears.
Friend badge
Friends- Calhoun, Felix, Wall-e
Wedding ring.
Bow-merang now heals 50% of the damage given on both the forward and return hit. If Mickey is in the party Minnie jumps back during the attack and gives Mickey a big kiss and Minnie gets a full heal.
Friends- Mrs Incredible, Violet, Mickey
Adoption Papers
Minnie has a new found strength being an adoptive mother. Her damage has been increased 200% and her defense from all forms including true, fantastic, and normal has been increased by 100%
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