Belle Hero concept

Belle is a :star2::star2: Support

Entrance: Belle comes in dancing happily holding a rose
K.O: Belle Falls to the ground staring at her rose sadly
Basic Attack:Throws Books at enemies.
Stats when maxed out:
Basic Damage:28k
Skill power:2800
Max HP: 30k

White: Old Clock
Belle takes out Cogsworth changing the hour hands decreasing two enemies attack speed by 40% for 7 seconds and increasing all allies attack speed by 35%

Green: Book smart
Belle Reads a book Giving Belle x Basic Damage And x energy for 5 seconds

Blue: Cup of Tea
Belle takes out Ms. Potts Pouring tea into tea cups overflowing them burning 3 enemies for 5 seconds and healing 2 of the weakest allies.

Purple: True Love
Once belle is defeated all allies will be healed for x health

Belle now deals 5% increased Damage to all slowed enemies

“Team helper”
Belle now heals 3% more

Hope you all enjoyed this concept I will make more soon hope you all enjoyed :grin:


The Basic Attack is scary. Clearly Belle is murdering Beast’s subjects (in two ways). And why would Cogsworth be fixed by Belle (I haven’t watched the real-live action film) and why would Belle pour tea into Chip out of Mrs. Potts? Tea is teapot mucus for Pete’s sake. That’s like feeding mucus to a child.

All the problems you’ve stated have been fixed

You do realize that you also misspelled Mrs. Potts? It’s spelled with two t’s, not one.

Thats been fixed too…

So many things I won’t bother to point them out. (always put a space after a period, no matter where it is)

Fixed all problems.

20 characters

Fantastic concept @Lovely

Guys let’s get them images%20(2)

also she really didn’t do anything but get imprisoned in the movie​:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

No, she also cried over the beast’s dead body until he transformed into…a living prince… :thinking:

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