Quote: Bendy doesn’t speak at all
Team: Blue
Rol: Tank
Entrance: Bendy emerge from the shadows
Victory: Bendy holds an ink heart
Defeat: Bendy is hit by a ray of light and disappears
Basic attack: Bendy strikes with her claws
White skill: ink glow
Fantastic damage
Bendy summons the ink machine that drops enemies and stuns them for X minutes
Green skill: ax attack
Basic damage
Bendy throws an ax at the farthest enemy dealing X damage and reduces their armor
Blue skill: Bacon soup
Fantastic damage
Bendy drinks a can of soup and recovers C from HP and then throws it at the enemy dealing X damage
Purple skill: Dreams come true
Bendy is immune to silence and gains X speed every time she defeats an enemy
Red skill: The creator lited us
Bendy gets X armor when she uses an ability
Bendy and Pleakey
Campaing: The hidden secret
Disk: Trust them
Synopsis: Bendy sees Pleakey as an opponent to see what he wants to do with the ink machine.
Allies: Woody, Stitch and Timon and Pumbaa
Bendy and Jack skellington
Campaing: Black and white christmas
Disk: The creator loves Christmas
Synopsis: Bendy and Jack skellington decorate the ink machine like a Christmas tree
Allies: Sally, Anger and Jafar