Better to farm at 8 Energy or 12 Energy areas?

The drop rates are atrocious either way, so we need every advantage we can get. I usually go with the lower cost area simply because you can get more runs on them which means bigger chance of getting a badge bit.

But maybe I’m not correct and it’s better to farm at areas with high energy cost? Does anyone have any insight on this?

Totally depends on what bits you need & what other bits are available on a particular stage.

Most of the later bits are only available in 12-stages, and some have hidden drops such as the hanging cats - though if you JUST wanted hanging cats, the lower cost stage is better.

When I want green or blue bits, I use the 6 or 8 stamina raids. But in purple and orange, I use the 10 and 12 stamina raids.

When I’m farming for certain bits, I go for the lowest stage. I’ve noticed as pip stated some have hidden drops so if I know there’s a higher cost stage where I can get 2 differenr bits I need, I farm that because essentially it comes out to a lower cost when you think what you’d be spending to farm those bits individually. But for contests I always farms ch 13 regardless if I need the bits or not.

Oye! The 2x two campaign drop is my favorite event ever!! I save all my energy for it. Just waitng for that event.

I personally usually farm on higher stages so that I get some badge bits for other badges I will need either then or later.

Farm on a stage where you can get 1 Purple/ 2 orange for 12 stamina, or

Farm on a stage where ypu can get 2 Purple for 6 stamina?

The first option is the one I pick.

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