Big Crash's refresh proposal

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Also, I have a special surprise for my next refresh plan…

Who is it?

He said surprise.

Don’t spoil it!


I didnt sopiled it

Kim Possible

Some people may want it for too long, this hero was spoiled to be added in this game in 2019, but she instead joined in the battle in 2020. However what do we get is a decent stats but pretty worse damage for a damage hero to do. First, Kim Possible can use “Kim Of All Trades” to either stun, slow enemies or heal allies, also she can fastly switch the skill because she can steal an enemy’s energy. At last, she can deal some decent damage from “Get A Grip”, “So Not The Drama”, and some more damage from basic attacks from “Power Study”. Although it’s decent after a one-year long freeze, but the results are not pretty. She cannot do much damage because she has too limited damage to enemies. This is bad especially because she is a damage role. Also, Kim Possible is easily to be countered, I use her in one of my accounts, but she is just too less HP and easily to be disabled.
So why is the delay affect her?

  1. Lack of Skills
    Some people complained that she’s stats is from 2019 when even red doesn’t exist, it makes her a lot of problem because Perblue only used multiplication to let her release on 2020. That means not enough buffs on her, not enough damage on others and not enough debuffs to enemies. For example “Kim Of All Trades” can only stuns theem for 10 seconds, and slows them for just 6 seconds by 80%, it’s not enough as there are already many can replace her, including Honey Lemon. Also “Get A Grip” may not be able to deduct a lot of damage to enemies and not enough debuffs.
  2. Lack of Basic Damage
    It is one of the core things of Kim Possible, her main damage is from that, she can use a little buff after she slows enemies, but I don’t think it’s enough because it is bad for a damage hero to have too less basic damage that only this can deal damage often.
  3. Lack of skill power
    The heal and her damage skills are both rely on skill power , but her heal can’t help too much on allies, also her damage is too less to counter some tanks like Mr. Incredible and TQOH.
    So patch?

Kim Possible

Base stats
+200% Max HP
+200% skill power
+200% basic damage

White skill: Kim Of All Trades

The player chooses one of three skills from Kim Possible to perform when “Kim Of All Trades” is activated: Kim Possible deals X (Normal) damage to the farthest enemy and enemies nearby them for 13.5 seconds, Kim Possible deals X(Fantastic) damage and reduces the attack speed by 99% for 10 seconds, or Kim Possible heals all allies for X HP and cleanses all debuffs from allies and applies debuffs cleansed from allies to random enemies. These debuffs last at least 20 seconds. The debuffs applied to enemies by this skill cannot be dodged or evaded and the duration cannot be reduced by tenacity
When on auto, the first use of “Kim Of All Trades” stuns enemies, the next slows nearby enemies, and the next heals allies, repeating this cycle until when the first time an ally falls below 25% of their max HP, the cycle will be instead Kim heals all allies for all time for the remainder of the wave. The slow are less effective against enemies above level Y.

+100% healing
+3.5 seconds stun
+4 seconds slow
+19% slow
+Kim Possible now can deal damage by this skill
+the heal from this skill now cleanses debuffs and applying them to enemies
+the cycle will be all healing if any ally falls below 25% of their max HP

Green skill: Get A Grip

Kim Possible kicks the frontmost enemy, dealing X damage, knocking them back, applying 2 stacks of weakness, stealing all their evasion and tenacity, and stunning them for 6 seconds. This skill deals 25% more damage for each 5% HP an enemy is missing.

+200% damage
+this skill now applies weaknesses and stun
+this skill deals more damage for each period of enemies’ HP is missing

Blue Skill: What’s The Sitch?

Kim Possible marks 3 enemies with the most HP with her Kimmunicator at the beginning of each wave, dealing X (Fantastic) damage per second to them and stealing 95% of the energy they gain for the rest of the wave.
When an enemy she marked is KO’ed, she instead mark the enemy who has the most HP remaining.
The amount of energy stolen is less effective against enemies above level Y.

+200% damage
+2 enemies targeted
+change damage type to Fantastic Damage
+20% energy steal
+mark another enemy when an enemy is KO’ed

Purple Skill: So Not The Drama

Enemies cannot get reflect for the first 20 seconds at the start of each wave.
“Kim Of All Trades” gains the following bonus effects on activation:
Enemies stunned by Kim take X damage per second for 12 seconds.
After Kim slows enemies, she gains Z basic damage for the rest of the wave, Kim keeps 100% basic damage buff between waves.
In additional to healing all allies, Kim Possible studies the 2 closest enemy for 18.0 seconds.

+200% damage
+damage over time from stun increased duration
+50% basic damage gain, the buff is based on Basic Damage now
+6 seconds study

Red skill: Power Study

“What’s The Sitch?” also studies the enemies mark with the Kimmunicator for the rest of the wave.
Kim Possible super crits enemies who are studied every attacks from Kim instead of critting them.
Kim Possible and her allies are immune to study and stun and stun the enemy who would stun or study one of her allies for 7 seconds and heals that ally for X HP.
The stun duration is less effective against enemies above level Y.
Additional Stat Boosts:
+Y basic damage
+Y skill power
+Y Damage per second from “What’s The Sitch?”

+Kim will super crits studied enemies with any attacks instead of basic attacks only
-2 attacks to trigger super crits
+Kim Possible and her allies are immune to study and stun and instead stun back to enemies

“Duck Dial” from Darkwing Duck

+Y skill power
+Y reality to Kim and allies
When Kim Possible blocks a scare, Kim Possible gains Y basic damage for 15 seconds.
Every 3.5(-0.5 per star) seconds, Kim Possible has a 100% chance to block a scare from affecting herself or an ally and instead scares back to the enemy tried to scare she and her allies for 3(+3 per star) seconds.
The time limit of each wave is now unlimited

+35% skill power
+40% Reality and affects all allies instead of only tank allies
+50% basic damage buff
+8 seconds basic damage buff duration
-0.5(-0.5 per star) seconds cooldown to block a scare
+this skill now always block scare in one star instead of 5 stars
+Kim Possible scares back to enemies who won’t scare her and her allies

“Sitch Finder” from Joy

+Y basic damage to Kim and allies
+Y Max HP to Kim and allies
At the start of each wave, the 2 furthest lose Y skill power and Y basic damage for 45 seconds
Studied enemies’ attack speeds are reduced by 15%(+15% per star)
Kim deals 50%(+50% per star) more damage from “Get A Grip” for each stack of fatigue she and her allies has and apply them back to random enemies after each use of “Get A Grip”
“Get A Grip” now instead target to the enemy who applies the most stacks of fatigue to Kim and her allies and studying them for 3(+3 per star)seconds

+50% skill power
+50% Max HP
+3%(+3% per star) slow from study
+furthest enemies now have reduced skill power and basic damage
+Kim deals more damage from “Get A Grip” for each fatigue she and her allies has and send back to random enemies
+“Get A Grip” now instead target to the enemy who applies the most fatigue and studies them

I think it’s a little bit OP, but how is this plan?

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Also I will continue to do refresh following with this order:


Woody is a supporter of the team, he can heal decent HP to allies by targeting bullseye enemies, those enemies are blocked from buffs. Also he can increase allies attack speed, helps allies KO enemies faster. Last but not least, he can pull enemies and charm enemies, make some debuffs to enemies.
Reason I need to refresh him:
I haven’t seen Woody for a long time in war, Coliseum and Arena, also less in chat sparring, so I think Woody are not getting enough power to let people remember him.
So I think it’s one of the worst heroes in DHBM, but why?

  1. Lack of Skill Power
    Extra basic damage from “Giddy-Up” and healing from “Bullseye” is rely on Skill Power. However, as a support role, it’s definitely not enough now. For example, as a B2 rank with 415 BD can only give extra 31.5 BD for level one, only 7.6% BD risen from only Woody himself, but if I try using him to buff a high BD requirement like Captain Amelia with level 38 only B1 and even only one star has 1650 BD, her BD increase will be 1.9% percent only! These will be a fail assessment for Woody because single-digit-percent amounts buff increases is already a serious warning to any support role hero. Also he can only heal 96 HP each attack to bullseye enemies, plus speed buff he can only heal around 23.2% HP for Woody. This is not a great boost today.
  2. Lack of skills
    Just say skill power is not enough, his skills is actually pretty old. Woody can charm enemies for 6 second, these may not enough to cause enough chaos to enemy team, also he can pull the back most enemy to the front, but he may pull a higher HP enemy to the front team, actually add an additional risk to his teammates because they may need additional time to beat them.
    Last mention is the red skill. This is one of the first red skill released by PB, so only one sentence describes what you get from hard work, “Enemies with a bullseye from “Bullseye” cannot get any buffs.” That all. That’s enough? No. Because only there can’t really boost your strength for 2021 new heroes.
  3. Lack of disk
    His disks also only use one sentence to describe, that means it’s old. First, skill power buff is a little buff, may said use a cola to boost on a rocket like that. Also their buff are not really good, stuns and extra energy gain is not enough to survive in any terrain in game.

So how to pick up these slack?
Just to make him more like a decent support hero in 2021, let him to buff more efficiently and counters more enemies.


Base Stats:
+400% Max HP
+300% skill power
+200% basic damage

White skill: Giddy-Up

Woody invigorates his allies, giving them X Basic Damage, 300% attack speed and becoming invincible for 10 seconds. Woody also deals X (Fantastic) damage to all enemies. This skill deals X extra damage for each buff Woody has.

+300% basic damage
+200% attack speed
+this skill now gets invincibility
+this skill deals damage and deals extra damage with each buff he has

Green skill: Lasso

Woody lassos the furthest enemy, pulling them to Woody, stunning them for 10 seconds and deals Z (Normal) damage. Enemies hit by the lassoed enemy also are dealt X (Normal) damage.
Woody gains 3 stacks of hardy to him and all allies each time he use this skill.

+remove level cap
+this skill deals damage and stuns them, enemies hit also take damage
+Woody and allies gains hardy

Blue skill: Favorite Deputy

Woody deputizes 2 enemies with the highest Skill Power, dealing X (Fantastic) damage, charming them to fight for him for 7 seconds and received 1 stack of fatigue every second for 7 seconds.

+1 enemy targeted
+2 seconds charm
+this skill now deals damage and applies fatigue

Purple skill: Bullseye

Woody’s basic attack marks enemies with a Bullseye for 7 seconds. Woody’s allies gain X HP and X Armor negation each time they damage an enemy with a Bullseye. Enemies with a bullseye take X (Normal) damage per second and deals X less damage to Woody and his allies.

+200% healing
+2 seconds duration
+this skill also gains armor negation by attacking Bullseye enemies
+enemies now take damage per second and deals less damage if they have a Bullseye

Red skill: Round’em Up

Enemies with a Bullseye from “Bullseye” cannot gain any buffs and instead slows them to 80% for 3 seconds for each buff blocked by this skill. If this skill blocks over 10 buff, the enemy will be frozen for 10 seconds.
Woody and his allies now immune to charms and instead heals for Y HP, the charm also send back to enemies with a Bullseye.
Woody’s basic attacks now targets to the furthest enemy and also deals damage between Woody and the furthest enemy equal to a basic attack, the front most enemy also marked with a Bullseye.
The slow has a chance to fail against enemies above level Y.
Additional Stat Boosts:
+Y skill power
+Y max HP
+Y basic damage given to allies by “Giddy-Up”

+enemies are slowed for each buff they were blocked by Bullseye and will be frozen after an amount of buff blocked
+Woody and his allies now immune to charms and instead heals and send charm back to enemies
+Woody will instead will target to the furthest enemy and other enemies are dealt damage

“Batteries Included” from Buzz Lightyear

+Y skill power
Enemies who are frozen takes Y Fantastic damage per second
“Giddy-Up” heals Woody and his allies Y HP
+120(+120 per star) energy when a Bullseyed enemy is KO’ed
+Precised enemies deals 15%(+15% per star) less damage to Woody and allies and are Bullseyed for 1(+1 per star) seconds

+50% skill power
+20(+20 per star) energy gain
+Enemies take damage when they are frozen
+“Giddy-Up” now heals allies
+Precise enemies deals less damage and are Bullseyed

“My Favorite Deputy” from Jessie

+Y skill power
+Y Max HP for Woody and allies
“Lasso” will be use first
“Lasso” also stuns enemies for 1(+1 per star) seconds
The first use of “Lasso” stuns 10(+2 per star) seconds longer

+50% skill power
+this disk gain basic damage
+0.25(+0.25 per star) seconds original stun length, the first use of “Lasso” stuns longer


So how is this refresh?

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Any comments to improve next refresh, let me know
And I will continue this cycle

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Plan Ch9

Yax is one the heroes released in game, you can get it after a few campaign levels has finished( medals by finishing the 21th level at past and instantly got at level now). His basic method is healing by using “Natural Healing”. He can also deals some damage to enemies and slows them, so he can stay longer, at first.
Reason why I want to refresh him:
Remember a challenge called “Ohm-less”? This challenge need you to beat a hard city watch without him. Now this challenge is a piece of cake because many and many heroes are better than him. Also it is 0.000000001% to see Yax in Challenger tier to defense, apart from to be farming hands. He can easily be KO’d by others and buff the opponents a lot of fast finishing points.
So why he is useless now?

  1. Lack of skills
    Yax has a problem in skill that are set to help PerBlue to earn real money. His heal can heal too less HP to new heroes and no buffs. Don’t forget that he is more control and damage, but none of them really help Yax, especially “Chill Vibes” because he can only slows 15%! Also his damage are less than usual. At last, “Total Relaxation” may help to block enemies using white skill. However some enemies using other skills to damage Yax, so he’s hard to beat enemies himself and stay heroes on the battle.
  2. Lack of skill power
    His healing and damage relies on skill power, but not enough for nowadays, the problem is his healing are less than other support heroes.
    3.Lack of Max HP
    His HP lacks behind far away from new heroes, that makes him have a time rush for damage enemies and healing all allies. Somehow time may change, an instant KO for Yax? So he is hard to stay on the battle.

So how to solve this paper with a lot of holes?
Just make him heals more and damages more may help him.


Base stats:
+1000% Max HP
+500% Skill Power
+500% basic damage

White Skill: Natural Healing
Screenshot_20210125-142023_Disney Heroes
Yax removes all debuffs and heals everyone on his team X HP instantly and X HP each over 8 seconds and gains 5 stacks of hardy each. This skill heals 5% extra HP for every 7.5% HP the ally is missing and heals X more HP for each stack of fatigue originally the ally has and additional X HP for each other debuff is cleansed by this skill.
Yax cannot be blocked to use this skill by hex.

+500% healing, healing change to instant and healing amount over 8.0 seconds, equal to original heal HP
+this skills removes debuffs and heals more for each defuffs
+this skills heals more HP for each amount of HP an ally is missing
+this skill can trigger bypass hexing

Green skill: Flower Power
Screenshot_20210125-142029_Disney Heroes
Yax summons his flower power to deal X damage to the closest enemy and knock them back and heals the front most ally X HP.

+300% damage
+this skill knocks back enemies
+this skill heals the front most ally

Blue skill: Body Odor
Screenshot_20210125-142034_Disney Heroes
Yax releases a noxious cloud that deals X damage to enemies over 10 seconds, silencing them for 10 seconds and applies 1 stack of weakness every second for 10 seconds.
Yax deals 25% more damage by this skill for each 5% HP he is missing.

+500% damage
+this skill silences enemies and applies weakness
+this skill deal more damage to each amount of HP is missing

Purple skill: Chill Vibes
Screenshot_20210125-142039_Disney Heroes
Yax’s chill vibes deals X (Fantastic) damage to all enemies per second, blinds enemy for 10 seconds nd reduces enemies’ attack speed by 40% for 20 seconds. These effects cannot being dodged, evaded, immuned, and cannot be reduced by tenacity.
This skill will trigger once at start and when any allies falls below 25% of their Max HP. This skill can trigger unlimited times.

+remove skill cap
+25% slow
+10 seconds duration
+this skill deals damage and blinds
+this skill can trigger unlimited times and trigger once an ally falls below 25% of their max HP

Red skill: Total Relaxation
Screenshot_20210125-142043_Disney Heroes
Yax is berserk as he has at least one ally on his team.
Yax and his allies heals X HP for each ally becomes berserk.
Yax steals 400 energy from the enemies reach 900 energy while being damaged by “Body Odor”.
The energy steal has been reduced if enemies are above level Y.
Additional stat boosts:
+Y Skill Power
+Y Max HP
+Y damage to “Body Odor”

+the remove of energy now is steal
+Yax is berserk if he has at least one allies
+this skill heals allies if any ally are berserk

“Chill Yax” from Frozone
Screenshot_20210125-183209_Disney Heroes
“Natural Healing” gives whole team Y basic damage and skill power, stacking with each use
+12(+12 per star)% conservation
+80(+80) starting energy
+20(+20 per star) seconds battle time limit

+500% basic damage, additional skill power
+4(+4 per star)% conservation
+this disk gains additional energy
+this disk extend the time limit of battle

“Musk Yax” from Finnick
Screenshot_20210125-183215_Disney Heroes
+Y skill power
+Y Max HP
+“Chill Vibes” last 2(+2 per star) seconds longer
+Enemies’ energy will reduce to 700(-50 per star) energy once they reach 900 energy while being damaged by “Chill Vibes”

+1000% skill power
+this disk gains Max HP
+0.5(+0.5 per star) seconds duration
+reduces enemies’ energy if they are affected by “Chill Vibes”


Flynn Rider

Flynn Rider is one of the first heroes releases in 2020, and maybe one of the worst heroes released in 2020. This guy only relies on sap to control enemies. He can reduce enemies’ energy gain and even steal some of them…but still probably he is not a control hero.
Reason why I refresh him:
Yeah only that thing cannot pass the control assessment, so no people will upgrade him. And his damage is somehow not enough and also Max HP is too less for a front line. So it’s lacking behind, maybe even worse than Basil…
So why he is far behind on game?
1.Lack of skills
A control hero need to apply many debuffs to enemies, but Flynn Rider didn’t do so much to shred enemies. Also he can’t deal a lot of damage apart from Invasion. At last, he can steal some energy and reduce basic damage from enemies, but still not enough to conter some tricky enemies.

  1. Lack of skill power
    Damage from “Thief’s Opportunity” is relying on skill power, but he is somewhat behind on control role heroes, is a main cause of this skill cannot make many loss to enemies.
  2. Lack of max HP
    Front line heroes needs lot of max HP, but he isn’t. He has lower max HP than other heroes, let him become vulnerable on the team.
    So how to solve them?
    A control hero needs to apply many debuffs to enemies, so just make him stronger to counter enemies.

Flynn Rider

Base Stats
+300% max HP
+200% Basic Damage
+200% skill power

White Skill: Roguish Strike

Flynn rapidly strikes at enemies, dealing Z damage to the enemies in front of him over 3 strikes and removing X armor from enemies. Flynn also grants he and his allies reflect for 8 seconds. This skill deals X more damage for each 100 energy he has.

+100% damage
+this skill now removes armor
+this skill deal more damage for each amount of energy Flynn Rider has
+this skill now grant his team reflect

Green skill: Thief’s Opportunity

Flynn dodges a melee attack and counters his attack, dealing X damage to them, sapping them for 18 seconds and stealing 300 energy.
This skill cannot be dodged if the enemy are already sapped.
The amount of energy stolen is less effective against enemies higher than level Y.

+150% damage
+7 seconds sap
+50 energy
+this skill cannot be dodged if the enemies are already sapped

Blue skill: The Smolder

Flynn “smolders” in front of enemies, dealing X (Fantastic) damage to each enemy nearby him, silencing them for 13 seconds and sapping them for 13 seconds.
Flynn heals X HP and gains 200 energy for each enemy he saps. Any sapped enemies lose X reality and X (Fantastic) damage per second.
The debuff has a chance to fail against enemies higher than level Y.

+4 seconds sap
+50 energy gain
+this skill deals damage, silence enemies and heals himself
+sapped enemies will receive debuffs

Purple skill: Stolen Goods

When Flynn damages an enemy with “Roguish Strike”, he steals 120 energy from them.
Whenever Flynn and his allies steal energy, they gain at attack of hardy and gain X skill power and basic damage.

+remove level cap
+30 energy stolen
+allies gain skill power and basic damage whenever they steal energy from enemies

Red skill: Done Deal

Allies also receive 70% energy Flynn steals with “Roguish Strike” and “Thief’s Opportunity”.
Flynn and his allies steal 2 energy from enemies for each basic attacks.
Enemies damaged by “Roguish Strike” lose X basic damage over 2 seconds for the rest of the wave.
The energy gain are less effective and the energy steal has a chance to fail with allies about level Y.
Additional Stat Boosts
+Y basic damage
+Y max HP
+Y damage to “Thief’s Opportunity”

+30% energy share
+25% basic damage loss
+Allies can steal energy for each basic attacks

“Cozy Night” from Rapunzel

+Y skill power
+Y Armor
Enemies who are charmed by this skill take Y Fantastic damage
Each time Flynn saps an enemy, they have a 20%(+20% per star) chance of being charmed equal to the original duration of sap, stacking with each sap and cannot exceed more than 45 seconds
Enemies charmed by this disk receive 1 stack of fatigue per second

+20% skill power
+20% armor
+the charm now equals to original duration of sap
+Enemies charmed by this disk recieve fatigue

“Street Smart” from Aladdin

+Y Max HP
+Y basic damage to yellow team allies
The active debuffs on enemies damaged by “Roguish Strike”, “Thief’s Opportunity” and “The Smother” are increased by 5(+2 seconds), the total length of each debuff cannot exceed 40(+5 per star) seconds
The cool down of “Thief’s Opportunity” is decreased by 2(+1 per star) seconds
The battle time limit is increased by 10(+10 per star) seconds

+20% max HP
+20% basic damage
+0(+1 seconds ) per star debuff duration extend, the expansion of the disk now also applies to “Roguish Strike” and “The Smolder”
+set a total time limit and extended battle time limit


I think my refresh have some problems, so
what should I change with next plan?
And next time I will try to refresh Wall-E, I heard it has some problems.
P.S I can’t post a poll because I am using my phone(not my tablet) to type the last 2 plan because I have something busy :disappointed:

I haven’t been online these days because I needed to visit the relatives as it’s Chinese New Year. Anyway, I must continue my projects.

Plan Ch 11

WALL-E is a control hero that added in 2018. He provides 2 types of 5-second disables to enemies and a decent knock back distance. He also gives allies energy, making some energy relying allies rely on this robot.
Reason why I need to refresh him again:
Originally Perblue refreshed him once at last year, but I think it’s still something missing. I still see 5 seconds disable length which is still too less for PvP, even in invasion.
So why he has these problems?

  1. Lack of Skills
    Whatever his damage and disability to enemies from “Extinguish”, “Solar Power” and “Compactor”,
    it’s sure that it’s too less damage to enemies and disabled them too less durability. Therefore he need some help from other allies, not himself can able to beat them.
  2. Lack of Skill Power
    His damage is relying on skill power, but it’s not enough now because many and many other heroes has times higher than him so they can deal more damage than this robot.
  3. Lack of max HP
    A midline hero need a decent max HP, but he hasn’t have so much, so it can easily receive a death sentence from Frontline, sometimes
    he is a backline target and he may get threatened.
    And how to solve it?
    A control hero needs longer disable to distract enemies, but Wall-E also gives some support to allies, so enhance both area is a better option.


Base Stats:
+400% Max HP
+100% skill power
+200% basic damage

White skill :Extinguish

WALL-E flies through enemies with a fire extinguisher. Enemies take X damage over 5 seconds, and are frozen for 12 seconds. This skill also sends all stacks of fatigue to enemies from WALL-E and it’s allies.

+remove skill cap
+500% damage
+7 seconds freeze
+this skill now send back fatigue to enemies

Green Skill:Solar Power

WALL-E uses solar panel, dealing X (fantastic) damage and blinding them for 8 seconds, this skill also grants allies 500 energy and heals them for X HP.
The blind duration cannot be extended to over 25 seconds.

+remove skill cap
+3 seconds blind
+140 energy gain
+this skill now deals damage and heals allies

Blue skill: Compactor

WALL-E creates a garbage box and push it at the closest enemy, knocking them back and deals Z damage. This skill deals 50% more damage and knocks 20% further per 10% HP WALL-E is missing.
Whenever WALL-E and its allies use their active skill, they gains Y faith. Faith reduces the amount of damage a hero takes from True damage.

+300% damage
+this skill deals more damage and knocks further if WALL-E has amount of HP is missing
+WALL-E and its allies gains faith if they use their active abilities

Purple skill: Energy-in-a-cup

WALL-E deals X (True) damage to all enemies and grants it and allies 1000 energy and X Armor at the start of each wave.
WALL-E cannot be debuffed and all allies are also immune to saps and Hexes.

+860 energy
+now WALL-E and allies can block unlimited saps instead of 5, this skill also block hex, WALL-E are immune to debuffs
+this skill now deals damage

Red Skill: Robot Reflections

When enemies are blinded by any sources, their skill that deal damage will also miss and they will take back damage insted.
Energy granted to allies from any sources are increased by 75% when they are below 75% of their max HP.
WALL-E and allies take 1% less damage for each 100 energy they have.
Blinded enemies missing with their damage skill has a chance to fail against enemies above level Y.
+enemies will miss their damage skill and take back their damage if they are blinded by any sources that include but not limited to “Solar Power”
+25% energy granted
+25% energy increase cap, can be granted by any sources
+WALL-E and allies take less damage for each amount of energy they have

“Rusty Sidekick” from Dash

+Y skill power
Enemies take Y Fantastic damage per second they are blinded
+20%(+20% per star) Disable length to WALL-E and allies
+Allies gain 15(+15 per star) energy when they disable an enemy

+150% skill power
+blinded enemies now take damage
+17%(+17% per star) disable length
+8(+8 per star) energy gain when allies disable an enemy

“Legacy Hardware” from Kelvin Flynn

+Y skill power
for every 100 energy an ally has, they gain X basic damage
+1000(+1000 per star) Max energy to WALL-E and allies
Enemies cannot get buffs for 2(+1 per star) seconds whenever an fatigue blocks a buff from allies

+50% skill power
+50% basic damage, -300 energy per count
+800(+800 per star) max energy
+enemies cannot get buffs if a fatigue block an ally buff



This robot is one of the few 3-star hero in game. She is released after a few months the game has started. She is a decent hero that send debuffs to enemies, she can also deals big big damage to enemies and more-damage to disabled enemies, so she is better to part with control allies.
Reason why I refresh her:
Although she can double the damage to disabled enemies by “Combat Efficiency”, but saw her stats, I did not agree these will buff her a lot, so I seldom see her on any pvp or even in invasion, so i want to improve a lower 3-star heroes such as her.
The reason she deserves a refresh is:

  1. Lack of skill power
    EVE’S damage are rely on skill power, but hers are
    below average. Her skill power are at least 20
    percent less skill power than newer heroes. Hence, she cannot counter high HP heroes.
  2. Lack of skills
    Despite the 2x damage to disable enemies from “Combat Efficiency”, the damage from “Hand Cannon” and “Ion Shock” is hard to defeat enemies. Also, the shield is easily to be broken, so not much protect to allies either. At last, I doubt that “Combat Efficiency” and “Droid Disable” can take out enemies as others. Therefore, she lacks damage and might miss the mark of high chances multiplying.
  3. Lack of Max HP
    A backlineing hero need some Max HP, but she doesn’t, so she is easily to be KO’ed with little debuff applied to enemies.
    As EVE is a damage hero, she has to deal a lot of damage and counters enemies, so I follow this path and to upgrade her.


Base stats
+400% max HP
+300% skill power
+300% basic damage

White skill: Hand Cannon

EVE fires her plasma cannon to the middle of the enemies, dealing X damage to all enemies, the closest enemy and the furthest enemy take X more damage and are frozen until they are taken Y damage. This skill deals Z more damage for each subsequent use.

+100% damage
+this skill now targets midline enemies, all enemies take the same base damage and the closest and farthest enemies take extra damage and are frozen
+this skill deals more damage for each subsequent use

Green skill: Shield Directive

EVE shields 2 weakest allies, cleansing all their debuffs, healing them for X HP and protecting X damage for next 12 seconds. Allies with this shield are immune to disables, reducing the damage income for 75% and block all extra damage that enemies to damage shielded ally applied from this skill. This skill also cannot being blocked, stolen or removed by any source.
Whenever shields applied from this skill is expired or destroyed, the cooldown of “Ion Shock” is reduced to 0 seconds and all enemies instantly take X true damage, even if they are invincible or berserk.
Whenever a shield is destroyed or expired, all allies gain 100 energy.

+1 more allies shielded
+5 seconds shield duration
+100% shield HP
+this skill cleases debuffs, heals, and reduce damage income
+Shield applied by this skill cannot be blocked, stolen or removed
+the cool down of “Ion Shock” is reduce to 0 seconds if the shields are applied by this skill
+alloes gains energy whenever a shield is destroyed or expired

Blue skill: Ion Shock

EVE’s charged blast deals X damage to the enemy with the highest skill power, stunning them for 9 seconds and transform all debuffs which were cleansed by “Shield Directive” from allies in additional applying 3 stacks of weakness to them.
If at least 3 enemies have at least 1 disable on them, EVE shoots 2 more charged blast to random enemies.

+200% damage
+2 seconds stun duration
+this skill now transforms debuffs cleansed by “Shield Directive” and additional applying weakness
+EVE shoots more charged blast if at least a amount of enemies are being disabled
+remove level cap

Purple skill: Combat Efficiency

EVE deals 200% more damage to disabled enemies, allies also deal X more damage to disabled enemies.
EVE and her allies gains 1 stack of strength when they damage a disabled enemy. Each stack of strength receives 10% less damage from all sources and is then removed.

+100% damage, allies also deal more damage to disabled enemies
+Allies grants stacks of strength when they damaged a disabled enemy

Red skill: Droid Disable

The duration of disables applied by EVE and her allies lasts 5 seconds longer if their duration is less than 9 seconds.
EVE uses “Ion Shock” at the start of each wave and the first use of “Ion Shock” stuns 12 seconds longer.
EVE heals X HP per use of “Ion Shock”.
The disable duration increases has a chance to fail against enemies above level Y.
Additional stat boosts
+Y Basic Damage
+Y skill power
+Y damage to “Ion Shock”

+2 seconds increased, 3 seconds max cap
+2 seconds increase of “Ion Shock”
+EVE now also heals for using “Ion Shock”

“It takes Two” from WALL-E

“Shield Directive” shields also heals Y HP every second
+Y Max HP
When any ally grant a shield, they gain Y armor
+30%(+30% per star) shield HP
“Shield Directive” now shields all allies
10%(+10% per star) extra damage blocked from shields which applied by “Shield Directive” are redirect to the original enemy, this skill also ignores reflect.

+20% healing, also grant max hp
+allies grant armor if they are shielded
+“Shield Directive” now shields all allies
+percent of extra damage to shield blocked are reflected to enemies

“Gift From the Heart” from Calhoun

+Y skill power
Any stunned enemies take X Normal damage per second
“Ion Shock” stuns 1.5(+1.5 per star) seconds
“Hand Cannon” spreads disables from the main target to the splash targets

+30% skill power
+Stunned enemies take damage

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From now on, I will continue to have another plan once every 28 days.


Calhoun is a beta hero. Her skills are mainly to deal damage to enemies. “Laser Blast” can deal many damage to all enemies when she is get buffed from “Sweet Revenge”. Also “Dynamite Gal” can threaten backline enemies with some damage and “Cybugeddon” can cable some DoT to enemies. These can also deals bonus big damage to enemies from “Cy-bug” Attack". Hence, it’s decent for a starter team.
Reason why I refresh her:
That is very easy, her damage is still far from newest characters’ HP, so it’s expected that she will not able to deal with a lot of enemies, so it’s always bad to deal with enemies, so it’s too weak in arena and Coliseum.
So why she is so weak?

  1. Lack of skill power
    Her damage is rely on skill power, but hers are lacking in this category, so not hard to find out it’s not enough to knock out enemies in backline.
  2. Lack of basic damage
    “Laser Blast” is rely on basic damage, but it’s too less to deal with foes. Also that also makes those bonus basic damage from “Sweet Revenge” is too less for her to counter more enemies.
  3. Lack of skills
    Her skillset has a lot of problem. First, the damage she deals is too less to hurt enemies hard. Second she have too less debuffs to prevent enemies damaging her. Lastly, she get too less buffs from skills, therefore it’s harder to revenge enemies by herself.
    So how do I improve that?
    Her main use is to revenge enemies, to she need to stay on the battlefield longer, so I will trying to tune her to be a revenge hero more.


Base stats:
+300% Max HP
+300% skill power
+300% basic damage

White skill: Mega Blast

Calhoun fires a megablast that deals Z damage to all enemies and stunning them for 7 seconds. This skill deals Z more damage for each disable an enemy has.
For each Calhoun’s ally was KO’ed, she gains 1000 energy and cannot be hexed for the rest of the wave.

+200% damage
+this skill now stuns enemies
+this skill deals more damage for each disable enemy has
+Calhoun gains energy and cannot be hexed when an ally is KO’ed

Green skill: Dynamite Gal

Calhoun surprises the enemy backline with a grenade, dealing X (Fantastic) damage to each enemy and dealing 100% more damage if one of the enemies hit are Most Wanted enemies.

+300% damage
+change damage type to Fantastic damage
+this skill deals more damage when it hits the most wanted enemy

Blue skill:Cybugeddon

Calhoun throws a cy-bug her foes. They take X damage over 3 seconds , their movement speed and attack speed are slowed to 5% for 3 seconds and received 10 stacks of fatigue. The slow last 2 seconds longer for each 10% the ally with the lowest hp is missing.
If Calhoun has the lowest hp among she and her allies, she also heals X HP over 3 seconds by each time using this skill.

+200% damage
+this skill now slow enemies and applies fatigue
+the skill slows longer if a certain max hp from the lowest hp allies are missing
+Calhoun heals when she has the lowest hp among her team by using this skill

Purple skill: Sweet Revenge

For each Calhoun’s allies are ko’ed, she gains X basic damage, 100% attack speed and movement speed, and each attack to enemies also applies 1 stack of weakness to them until all allies is revived by any sources.
Whenever Calhoun fails below 50% of her max HP, she gains X skill power, 10 stacks of hardy and are immune to disables.

+200% basic damage
+this bonus now based on skill power
+this skill increases speed and applying weaknesses to enemies she hit, these buffs lasts until all allies are revived
+Calhoun gain buffs whenever she reaches 50% of her max hp

Red skill: Cy-Bug Attack

When Calhoun first time reaches 0 hp,she heals herself by X HP and instantly use “Cybugeddon”. This use deals 200% more damage. “Cybugeddon” now applies 1 more stack of fatigue for each 10% of their max hp an enemy is missing.
Calhoun’s attacks deals bonus damage to enemies equal to 150% of the enemies’ armor.
The fatigue stacks has a chance to fail and all the bonus damage from this skill is less effective against enemies above level Y.
Additional Stat Boosts:
+Y skill power
+Y max HP
+Y damage to “Cybugeddon”

+75% armor to bonus damage
+“Cybugeddon” instead applies 1 stack of fatigue for a percentage of enemies’ hp is missing
+Calhoun now revives and the first use of “Cybugeddon” deal more damage

“Another Castle” from Violet

Y HP shield to allies at start of each wave
+Y skill Power
Shield lasts for 15(+15 per star) seconds
Whenever the shield is expired, destroyed, stolen, removed or copied, the Most Wanted enemy and the enemy with the most HP are applied 5 stacks of weakness that last 3(+3 per star) seconds and are reduced their max HP to 10% of their original max HP for 3(+3 per star) seconds

+300% shield HP
+0(+10 per star) second(s) shield duration
+this disk grants additional skill Power
+If shield from this skill is removed by any sources, enemies will receive debuffs.

“Power Of Love” from Felix

+Y basic damage
“Laser Blast” deals Y more damage
When each buffs from “Sweet Revenge” is removed when all allies are revived, Calhoun and all gains Y Max HP.
Calhoun revives an random ally for each 5(-1 per star) use of “Laser Blast”
Calhoun gains 200(+200 per star) energy at the start of each wave or when an ally is KO’ed
+20(+20% per star) energy gain on enemy defeat

+200% Basic damage
+8%(+8% per star) energy gain
+“Laser Blast” deal more damage
+Calhoun gain max hp if all her allies are revived while all buffs from “Sweet Revenge” is removed
+Calhoun now revives an ally for each few times she use “Laser Blast”
+Calhoun gains energy when the start of each wave and per ally is KO’ed



Miguel Rivera

Miguel was been playable in around 2019. He is the mainly healing characters in the game, as he continously heals his allies by his heal notes. He also provides little additional skill power to allies and debuff enemies. He are disallowed to do the reverse because he cannot be charmed. At last, he can buff allies more and shred enemies better for each note is effecting by on the screen. But many people don’t want to use him because he can’t be soon to cover big damage to allies.
So why he can’t support allies fast?

  1. Lack of skill power
    His healing, additional skill power and armor shred on enemies are too less for battling because of his little skill power. Therefore he cannot do much change to reduce the loss of his team.
  2. Lack of skills
    The skillset of him is outdated because he is designed to be good in purple, but it quickly becomes a loss of the team as he cannot give much buff to allies or effectively weaken enemies enough.
  3. Lack of max HP
    A good support hero requires a decent amount of HP to prevent they are ko’d before he supports allies. However he did the opposite, so he’s as weak, and hard to get used.
    So how do I refresh him?
    His main use is to heal allies non-stop, so increase the healing amount is important , along with other buffs he gets to allies.

Miguel Rivera

Base stats:
+300% max HP
+300% basic damage
+400% skill power

White: skill: Crescendo

Passive: Instead of doing basic attacks, Miguel put healing notes above allies. Each note heals Z HP every second. Also Miguel and his allies cannot be charmed, stunned or silenced and instead they are being applied with 1 more healing note.
Active: Miguel strums his guitar, removing all his healing notes and debuffs from all allies, his healing notes heal for X HP when removed, and grant allies X armor and X reality.
+300% HP healed per second
+200% HP healed when the healing note is removed
+Miguel and his allies now cannot be charmed, stunned or silenced and get healing note instead
+Healing notes now grant allies armor and reality

Green skill: Sharpen

Miguel puts a sharp note above a random ally granting them X skill power and basic damage and their damage from skills and basic attacks dealing fantastic damage instead of normal damage. The sharp note deals 25% more damage to skills that deals true damage to enemies. Allies who had dealt damage to enemies will be applied sharp notes first.
When Miguel uses “Crescendo”, the sharp note is removed, the ally is healed X HP, gets 1000 energy and are energized for 15 seconds, receiving 80 extra energy each time they perform a basic attack.
+500% skill power
+the sharp note now granted basic damage and their normal damage skill and basic attack now deals fantastic damage instead, skills that deals true damage deals more damage instead.
+700 energy gained
+the note now grant allies energize when removed

Blue skill: Flatten

Miguel puts out a flat note over an enemy’s head,
reducing their armor and reality to 0, slowing their movement speed and attack speed by 70%, and applying shatter until the note is removed. Shattered enemies take 5% of their max hp as True damage they are dealt fantastic damage from an enemy. Skills that deal damage over time
can only trigger once per second at max.
When Miguel uses “Cresendo”, his flatten notes are removed, the enemy are dealt X fantastic damage and are stunned for 10 seconds.
+armor and reality shred are now be reduced to 0
+4 seconds stun
+10% slow
+this skill now applies shatter to enemies and deals damage

Purple skill: Serenade

Miguel slows all enemies for 40% for 15 seconds at the start of each wave.
Miguel and allies gains X skill power and enemies take Z normal damage per second per note on the screen. This includes notes from enemy Miguels.

+200% skill power, the extra skill power now are defined by skill power
+enemies now take damage from this skill
+Enemies are slowed at the start of each wave
Red skill: Uplifting Music

When Miguel activates “Crescendo”, each healing note increases allies’ Max HP by X per healing note.
Miguel’s allies begin each wave with 1 healing note and 4 stacks of hardy.
Additional stat bonus:
+Y basic damage
+Y reality
+Y skill power per note for Miguel from “Serenade”

+removed skill cap
+50% max HP increased
+this skill gives additional hardy from the start of each wave

“Lost Dog Found” from Jessie

+Y basic damage
+Miguel deals Y fantastic damage each time he use “Crescendo”
“Serenade” also grant allies +100%(+100% per star) attack speed per note in the battle
Allies take 10%(+10% per star) less damage whenever they have healing note or sharp note

+100% basic damage
+80%(+80% per star) attack speed
+Miguel now deals damage using “Crescendo”
+Allies take less damage whenever they receive buff note

“Frozen Melody” from Elsa

All frozen enemies take Y fantastic damage per second and lose Y armor
+Y skill power
Instead of stunning, “Flatten” freezes enemies for 8(+3 per star) seconds per note and applys 1(+1 per star) stack of frost per note.
Enemies begin each wave with 1(+1 per star) flat note

+50% armor lost
+50% skill power
+0(+2 per star) seconds freeze, dealing damage and applying frost
+Enemies begin with flat notes

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