More animals!
Saying “It’s a dinglehopper”
K.O. and entrance:flies in or out
Basic: swoops in distracting enemies
White: sings cause enemies to get stunned if enemies are over his level they only attack him
Green: every 5 swoop he gets other sea critters to attack enemies causing normal damage
Blue: Scuttle would scout and can cause an enemy to lose some of his reality
Purple: Scuttle uses his powers of make believe to enchant an enemy to stop attacking or attack other enemies!
Entrance: run in
K.o.: would laugh like in the picture
Basic: would rush melee units into the frontline
White: trample enemies
Green: spit on enemy
Blue: would ride in with carriage giving heroes a certain amount of energy
Purple: carriage also heals
Little brother
Entrance: runs and barks
K.O.: Something like this
Basic: barks cause enemies no damage
White: runs across with birdseed disrupting enemy lines and stunning them
Green: bumps into enemy trying to catch bone causing normal damage 3 second
Blue: would cause fantastic damage every 7 bump
Purple: more chickens causing more havoc
Entrance: runs in invisible for 3 second
K.O. limp away
Basic: would argue with enemy making them not attack (cannot work on fantastic damage creep or when White attack loaded)
White: charge causing fantastic damage
Green:would be invisible for more time
Blue: claw an enemy after charge
Purple: throws up walking stick at enemy causing fantastic damage very 9-4 seconds later
Victory: reunite with family
Entrance: turns yellow-orange then green
K.O. : Turns purple and walks back
Basic: helps reduce reality or exposes enemies below 40% health
White: would cause both sides to stop fighting giving heroes support unit energy
Green: camouflage for some time
Blue: would enchant creeps by changing colours by eating things
Purple: causes creeps to trip on every start of a fight causing normal damage and reality reduction
Saying: " Are you hungry…? I’m starved…"
K.O. slithers away
Basic: gets one creep to fight for you
White: looks into creeps past causing creep to get stun, lose reality and come into frontline
Green: annoys heroes causing them to have more energy
Blue: would bite unfortunate creep during White attack causing real damage
Purple: would strangle a creep to steal energy and health
- Scuttle (mid line tank)
- Khan (frontline support)
- Pascal (bank hand damage)
- Kaa (mid line control)
- Little brother (frontline damage)
- Kevin (back hand tank)
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