#Blacklivesmatter in bio's

I have seen two accounts who have it in the title but is it allowed? Some social media’s are banning people for having it. Is it okay?

Which accounts are those?

One random account I do not remember and @KayIa

Hopefully it isn’t against the rules…

Well if it is then I don’t care.


I haven’t heard about any social media banning the hashtag?

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But it shouldn’t be against the rules but if it was I would delete the game!



I have not heard of any social media banning it. At least stateside because doing so would be an infringement of the 1st amendment. I agree with the sentiments of BLM and would encourage PB to make some statement if they believed it necessary. I do however recognize that politics can get rather heated and we should all remember to keep things civil. This is first and foremost a forum about a game so keeping it in the community chatter would more than likely be for the best as to also avoid people getting flagged in unrelated topics and misconstrue that into an attempt on PB’s part to silence the movement.


Twitter has banned some accounts for having the # in posts.

The reason why some sites are banning or rather limited the use of the hash tag is to make sure that the hash tag is used to provide vital information for people who need it… so lots of people have been urged to reserve that hash tag for relevant information and not just use it in their posts to show support, but rather use different hashtags for that purpose

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You mean like @Forum_Guide?

I doubt a Disney mobile is going to start banning people.

Yes many companies have already come out in show of support for the movement! I hope PB does as well!


They are banning the use of the hashtag to protect people. There needs to be some anonymity to protect people and avoid further discrimination.

that is good idea

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Accounts will not be banned for showing their support of Black Lives Matter in their bios. As long as the statements follow our forum rules.

This is a significant issue and something that people should discuss. As a company we value inclusiveness and equity in the community and our hearts are broken and our spirits enraged by the pain inflicted on the communities of color for hundreds of years.

Here in Madison there is a long history of peaceful protests. Since Saturday, there have been peaceful protests, riots and looting in our downtown. This is having a personal impact on us and the entire city.

I hope that you all feel empowered to tell your story, and moved to listen and learn what you can do to help create a better world.

One note though. This is a game forum, dedicated to discussing Disney Heroes. If you feel so moved to engage with social justice and racial history, I recommend you find a platform where you are comfortable and join the conversation. I’ve seen a lot of great information happening all over social media.

:heart::black_heart: :brown_heart: :heart:


those are some strong words

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I had forgotten PB was located in Minneapolis (the ground zero for what has happened for the past few days). Whilst I don’t necessarily agree with the business sense of the company I do hope that you Polaris and your co-workers are staying safe in this chaotic time period.

Edit: If I may be so bold to offer a suggestion for next week’s Invasion, could we have a focus on characters of color? Such as: Dr. Facillier, Tia Delma, Kida, Scar, Rafiki, Simba&Nala, Jasmine, and Aladdin to name a few. I realize all of these characters aren’t black but would still get the point across. The reason I included The Lion King heroes for those curious is that while the game has their 2D animated representatives, in both the live action and musical versions these character’s are played by black actors.


that would be an awesome idea tbh

This is a good idea but may spark some controversy.

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