(BONUS) Concept: John Rambo

Disclaimer: Some skills inspired by MK11

John Rambo

Stars: :star2::star2:
Quote: “To survive War, you gotta become War”
Position: Backline
Role: Damage
Team: Blue
Entrance: A Helicopter flies in and Rambo jumps off
Victory: Rambo tightens his headband
Defeat: Rambo’s bow/knife is knocked out of his hand
Basic Attack: See Passive

White Skill: War Veteran
:eight_pointed_black_star: - Physical Damage

Passive: Rambo has a capacity of 10 arrows. When Rambo runs out of arrows, he will duck behind cover and pull out his knife. Rambo will roll to the frontlines and start fighting hand to hand.

After 15 seconds, Rambo rolls back to the backlines and shoots arrows again.

Active: (Bow) Rambo shoots an explosive arrow, dealing X damage to enemies closest to the epicenter of the blast and Y damage to all other enemies

Active: (Knife) Rambo instantly rolls back to the backlines and performs the Bow ability

Green Skill: Guerrilla Tactics
:eight_pointed_black_star: :dash: - Physical Damage, Knockback

(Backline) Rambo gets into an army crawl, ducking underneath all projectiles as he slowly creeps forward. When he reaches the enemy Frontline, he parries the first melee attack he’s hit by, knocking his attacker back and dealing X damage

(Frontline) Rambo cuts a tripwire underneath the enemies feet, causing a giant log to be swung through the enemy line, knocking the first three enemies back and dealing X damags.

Blue Skill: Plain Sight
:dizzy: :face_with_head_bandage: - Invisible, Stun, Wounded

(Backline) Rambo applies dirt and mud to his face, blending in with the background and becoming Invisible. Rambo then sneak attacks the back most enemy, stunning them for 14 seconds.

(Frontline) Rambo places a Claymore on the ground and covers it with leaves, hiding it. The first enemy to step on the Claymore is dealt X damage and Wounded for 9 seconds.

Purple Skill: Nothing is Over
:infinity: - Passive Skill

When Rambo has his Bow equipped he gains +X Basic Damage

When Rambo has his Knife equipped he gains +X Armour

Red Skill: FUBAR
:infinity: - Passive

Rambo’s Basic Attacks deal X damage over time.

When Rambo switches from Bow to Knife and vice versa, he becomes Berserk for 6 seconds and his attack speed is raised by 33%.
This effect stacks over waves.


John Rambo and Li Shang

“First Blood”

Rambo’s basic attacks and “Guerrilla Tactics” apply Wounded for 2 seconds per star
+Basic Damage
Allies: Flynn Rider, Kida, Captain Hook

John Rambo and Huey, Dewey and Luey

“Whipped into Shape”

At the start of the Wave, the player chooses Bow or Knife stance for Rambo to stay in for the rest of the wave.
+20% Max HP
+Basic Damage gained from “Nothing is Over”
+Armour gained from “Nothing is Over”

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