Brer Fox and Brer Bear Character Concept (Remastered)

Brer Fox & Brer Bear

Source: Song of the South

Role: Tank

Position: Front

“I got im’! I got the little rabbit! I sure’s got im’! (Laugh) I got the little rabbit for sure!”

Brer Fox uses tricky traps while Brer Bear knocks enemies clean off with his trusty club.

Entrance: Strides into the battlefield


Victory: Brer Fox cackles while Brer Bear give a big grin.

Defeat: Brer Bear conks Brer Fox on the head

Basic Attack: Brer Bear swings his club at enemy

White Skill: Knocking Head: Brer Bear smashes enemies with his club and does critical attack.

Green Skill: Skinnin’ ya: Brer Fox through the axe at an enemy

Blue Skill: Snared: Before each wave, Brer Fox sets up snare traps that stuns enemies when stepped on.

Purple Skill: Knockin’ Heads Clean Off: Knocking Heads causes true damage.



Campaign: Rabbit Season: Brer Fox and Brer Bear recruit Gaston to help them hunt down Brer Rabbit.

Disk: Rabbit Season, Fox Season: More snare traps

Kristoff and Sven

Campaign: A Deerlightful Lunch: Brer Fox and Brer Bear decided to have a reindeer for lunch. More accurately… Sven.

Disk: Reindeer Games: Attack speed increase with each snare activated


Yes a concept of my bois

You really like my concepts, don’t you?

I love splash mountain and the characters. Yes I really do li,e it, and I’m apparently the only one, but this one of my favorite concepts

I am saying that because this is the third concept of mine that you responded to. Not that it’s thing of course.

You realise the tar baby thing is outdated racism and definitely would never be used.

It is? (10)

Maybe he could instead throw a axe or a rope

Better? (10)

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