Building a Slow Team

I would like to thank those who suggested me a freeze team at the thread Elsa Feedback.

Could anyone please recommend a slow team? I mean the team focuses on slows. I only know Finnick and Judy. And Olaf’s Snowed In has a slow but he is more dominant in his freeze ability. By the way, I’m in S14.

Yax has a starting slow, so he may be slightly useful. And of course, don’t forget Elsa :wink:

It could be me, But I do not think they have a ton of slow characters yet…maybe I just am not thinking of them. However, Finnick disk with Judy is inperative in a slow team as he allows allies to deal more damage to slow enemies…

…that’s all I got. Sorry.

You could try Cap Barbossa. His blue skill helps slow opponents down, and with his friend disc with Stitch, it’ll make his opponents even slower :slight_smile:

He is one of my main heroes, and he’s so strong :slight_smile:


Okay, thanks @Yunno.

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So as of now, I have two heroes in mind: Finnick, Barbossa. Yax and Judy is still pending. Hmm… I can’t think of a tank that has slow ability except for Olaf.

Given how Elsa would be a good part of the team (extra damage to slowed enemies) I’d say that Olaf would be a good idea as well.

Don’t forget Mad Hatter.

Few other minor slows.
Stitch: green
Vanollepe blue
Yax purple
Elastigirl Uppercut (I forgot which one)
judy white

Totally forget about Stitch’s slow skill (eventhough he is one of my main heroes)

And, if you choose Stitch, you wouldn’t regret it. Up until now, he is the only one whose three skills are different type (a normal, a fantastic and a true damage)

With Mad Hatter’ disc, he could bite all his enemies with true damage :slight_smile: wow, imagine that:)

Elsa does extra damage to slowed toons. So a team that hits hard utilizing slow could be:

Elsa, Mickey, Walle, Finnick and another to complement your team needs of staying alive or hitting hard.

You could go all slow with Elsa, finnick, stitch, barbossa and then I’d still keep a healer like Mickey.

There’s no tank. And how Wall-E could help with the slow?

You’re completely forgetting Olaf. Not only does he perfectly compliment Elsa, he makes all freezes slow.

You do not always need a tank. Walle will increase the odds of using freeze/slow and healing. Top 100 player on s3 and these teams have been used frequently in challenger. One of my favorites is Darkwing, finnick, Mickey, Elsa, walle

There’s one thing to think about when building a themed team: Do they synergize well?

Freeze team works because they compliment each other. Frozen heroes also get slowed by Olaf. Frozen and Slowed heroes get dealt extra damage by Elsa.

But is there any point to having more than 1 slow hero in a team? Do they actually empower each other, or just adding more slow? If they’re just adding more slow, you might as well put in some Stun heroes, since it doesn’t really matter.

I’m thinking of a possibility at the moment. Finnick with Judy disk will add more damage to slowed enemies. And I am now considering Elsa and Olaf since they compliment each other very well. I’m exploring in this kind of theme since almost everybody neglects the power of slow.

Gonna provide a general guide here.

All Hero Attacks Involving Slows
•Blue Skill, 60%, Removed on white skill

•Green Skill, 25%, 3.5 seconds

•Green Skill, 20%, 10 seconds

•White Skill, 80%, 3 seconds

•Purple Skill (Triggers After Freeze), 15%, 4 seconds.

:black_small_square:Hiro Hamada:
•Green/White Skill, 40%, 5 seconds.

•Purple Skill, 10%, 10 seconds.

•Blue Skill, 90%, 1 second

•Green Skill, 25%, 3 seconds.

:black_small_square:Mad Hatter:
•White Skill, 50%, 8 seconds.

•White Skill, Stuns slowed enemies, 3 seconds
•Purple/Blue/Green Skill, 40%, 12 seconds

•Green Skill, 35%, 6 seconds.

•Purple Skill, Deals more damage to slowed enemies, 50%

Possible Good Pairs/Teams
:black_small_square:Elsa + Most: Elsa is well known for her decent damage buff to slowed enemies, which comes in handy, as Elsa deals pretty high damage to enemies alone even without her damage boost. But, this makes her highly compatible with heroes like Miguel, Mad Hatter or Finnick, a few examples who have some of the longest slow lengths of the roster, which is mainly effective because there’s a 50% increase no matter how long the stun is, making her not great to pair with Barbossa, who only slows for a single second.

Gonna add a little later.


Actually, I’ve been trying to build a low team lately. Olaf and Elsa are a given, along with Finnick. I think it might be worth considering his Nick disk though, as his white skill stuns for a few seconds and I figure extra control would trump extra raw power. I’m also using Barbossa and Judy. Barbossa’s Stitch disk looks to be OP when fully starred, and Judy is the only support with a slow. I’m not the best at team creation though, so take it with a grain of salt. :slight_smile:

Hi, I wanted to give you my little opinion and suggestion about this type of team. I’m on server 16 and have added Elsa, so I thought about creating a slowdown team.

The heroes that I own and with whom I want to form this team are: Olaf, Finnik (Judy’s disk), Vanellope (Dash’s disk), Miguel (Jessie’s disk) and Elsa’s acquisition. That I have not obtained it yet. So, that Finnik’s disk with Judy improves the damage against slow enemies, Vanellope also does more damage to slow enemies with his disk, and Elsa equally with his purple skill.
I thought it was a decent team which I have used for the moment with Stitch since I do not have Elsa. I hope this team seems good to you, in general it is my favorite.

This is a good question, and it brings another to mind: Does slow stack?

Even if it does stack to 100%, it’s basically just turned into a stun.
Unless there’s some special synergy for slow, there’s no real reason to put to much focus into slowing.

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