Can someone explain Bruno dying?

This is in the equinox trial stage 3.
It shows Bruno took 2 dmg.
Meg didn’t get a chance to link, and Angel did not save him either.

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The 2 damage is harder to explain and is likely a error/bug, but see the following:

Someone, likely Bruno, triggered a shield → shield triggers Bruno’s red skill and applies confusion → Dante gets hit with a debuff in his immune state → Dante purple triggers dealing a significant amount of true damage → Bruno takes the damage as he debuffed Dante and dies.

That would be the logical explanation, however how that managed to kill Bruno before Meg even links and Angel’s revive not kicking in I don’t know. As nobody seems to have moved and there’s still 1:30 on the timer, the aforementioned passives triggering I think is what happened here, if not a bug.


It’s a bug. I thought that was the reason too (and it probably is tbh), but him having 2 HP is weird. I also don’t think it’s just a visual error with the number, cause there’s no way a red Dante can oneshot an E8 Bruno. And I’ve even seen it happen with an orange Dante :sweat_smile:

Thankfully it only happens in a few trial stages and Bruno is completely fine outside of it

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