I know that a lot of people dislike the Fortify the network contests. Especially since they show up at least once a month. The f2p players rarely have an opportunity to clear the contest and even top ranked players have a hard time finishing it unless they have stockpiled diamonds away or spend a lot in the game. You have done other contests like using friendship stamina or clearing re-infected areas which we haven’t seen in a while. Why not add one of those criteria into the mix for fortify contests. I am not asking to do away with the contest completely like other players, just recommending a compromise so other players can at least clear the contest.
I’m not afraid of contests. I finish almost all of them. I’m just making a recommendation because almost everytime we get a fortify the network contest, nobody really wants it. At least in server 3
No one likes them on any server and if you say other wise you just started playing.
If you have been playing youd know the rewards for the contest usually dont exceed $50-$100 meanwhile ppl usually spend upwards of hundreds to thousands on these contests. I think they need to make a way to reach the max goal a lot cheaper or dramatically change the rewards to match the amount ppl are spending if they really want participation.
Even if you spend $100 to finish out the progress rewards you still barely make the top 1% rank. Its just not worth it to me for the price.