Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb Hero Concepts)

Role: Control
Position: Mid-Line
Trial Team: Red
Star Beginning: :star:

Mom, Phineas and Ferb are making a title sequence!!

Basic Damage: Calling

Victory: Take a picture and smile

Defeat: Turn into a sand


White Skill: Loud Scream
:star2: Fantastic Damage

Candace scream at enemies and stun for 2.5 seconds

Green Skill: Foot Tapping

Candace heals 200HP or 500HP

Blue Skill: Thrust

Purple Skill: Busted
:facepunch: Normal Damage

Red Skill: Watcha Doinโ€™?

Friendships: Disgust and Shego

For future concepts please provide text rather than just pictures/gifs as this is not a complete concept.


Oh, okay and I forgot the name of skills.

Green skill doesnt inflicting effect or damageing enemies? Healing and damage time should be marked by x and not by numbers like you did in the blue skill and what the red and purple skills doing?

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White Skill?

White skill seems fine although the silence would last for longer time since normaly debuffs lasting for longer time

Grammar exists you know.

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